
Friday, May 14, 2021

It's One Of Those Moments

My son is happily married to a wonderful woman.  His professional life is taking off and their pig has accepted him as Leader.

My daughter and her family are happily ensconced in a home they love, a home filled with laughter, and affirmations, and words.  

My husband and I are reasonably hale and hearty.  

The bills are paid.  There's food in the fridge.  All the appliances are functional.   

And now the CDC says I don't have to wear a mask.  I don't think I'm rushing out to WallyWorld this afternoon, but I'm no longer in the market of color coordinated face coverings.  (Nancy Pelosi won that battle a year ago, anyhow.)

It's one of those rare moments in time where everything and everyone is okay. 

I'm going off to enjoy it. 

Have a great weekend, denizens.  I'll be back on Monday with thoughts on being unmasked in a brave new world.  


  1. We're still masking. No vaccine is perfect, and there are too many unvaccinated people roaming around. They won't be wearing masks, either.
    I had to laugh at us this week, the irrigation man came out to fix a leak in the system, outside. All three of us were out there, outside, wearing masks.

  2. Allison is right. The CDC has made a huge mistake. See Dr Leana Wen's opinion piece in the Washington Post:

  3. I have to agree with the others, it's too soon to say no masks. I think that most of the unmasked now are also those who won't be getting vaccinated, yet they're still supposed to wear masks ... you know they won't.

  4. I kind of feel like I "rained on your parade" with my comment, which was NOT my intention! It's so hard to not sound judgmental these days and I particularly have a hard time with that although usually I'm trying to give my opinion and not judge anyone else. I'm not yet comfortable going without a mask - although at lunch today I went through a fast food drive through where the employee wasn't wearing a mask (1st place I've seen that), so I took mine off too. I know from reading your blog that you've been exceedingly cautious this past year so you're not going to do anything reckless now! You do what feels comfortable to you and I know you won't let anyone talk you into or out of anything since you do the research yourself. If only there had been more mask wearing at the beginning I think we'd all feel more comfortable with less mask wearing now.

  5. Masks will be situation based here for now. Many businesses will still require them because they have no way of screening who is vaccinated and who isn't. I will be happy to abandon masking when I am outside, not in a crowd. And like you, me and mine are in a good place.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!