
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Snow Day

Little Cuter and SIR helped FlapJilly enjoy her snow day today.  Their three day weekend was stretched to four, and nobody minded, not one bit. There was 8-10" of fresh powder outside and the sun was shining.  They concentrated really hard on e-learning in the morning so that they could go outside and play all afternoon.  Figure eights on the sled attached to Dad's tractor, following the path he shoveled for them on the big backyard, because the tractor can't go on snow.  He made jumps and bumps and then they built a tunnel with an igloo at the end.  They were very cold; Giblet brought Mama two pairs of socks for his feet. 

We don't get snow days in Arizona.  We get gloomy, overcast mornings until the thick clouds break up a bit and some blue shines through.  The snow on the mountains has melted; there are tiny waterfalls on the lower hiking trails.  The roses are starting to sprout new growth, unbothered by the cooler nighttime temperatures.  The vinca is another story entirely.  It was not happy, and its sad little yellowing leaves reproached me as I tried to help.  

It was 60 degrees and cloudy this morning.  Not-Kathy and I agreed that it was much too ugly to visit  outside, even for a little while.  (Have I mentioned that I hate COVID?)  

I am officially a weather wimp.


  1. Really lovely photo. Lots of surprises weather wise, not all of them so pleasant.

    1. It was single digit temps when she took that picture. Hope you and yours are safe and warm.

  2. I am a complete weather baby. We rode earlier than was good today, it was pretty cold. But we wanted to be home before the wind really picked up, which it did right after we got home. I would like it to return to no wind and 78 degrees, please.


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