
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

I Know Why He Did It

The Twitterverse kept me up to date on the world's reaction to the charming boring moron and the angry boring moron representing the former social media personality who lives in Florida in front of what the boring one called a diverse group of Senators.

Castor, the charming one, supposedly changed his presentation on the fly because the prosecution's opening was so powerful.  What did they think was coming their way?  

Schoen, the angry one, is a religious Jew.  He observes the Sabbath.  

This is only important because, while standing at the podium in the well of the Senate, he seemed to be holding his comb-over in place with one hand as he tipped his head waaaay back to drink from his water bottle with the other.

It was an odd moment.  The guy barely stops to breathe.  He's hard to follow.  Everything is said in the same harsh tone.  And then he's hanging onto his brains as he exposes his neck and, silently, sips.

And then it dawned on me that he was grabbing his yarmulke.... except he wasn't wearing one.  Did he decide not to wear one today?  That seemed odd, too.  A quick Google search reveals that it is possible to use your hand to cover your head when eating or drinking with a proper head covering, according to modern Rabbinic teachings.  

The more I watched, the thirstier he became, the more often that hand came up.  His head stopped tipping all the way back, but the hand kept rising and covering his head. 

This is the answer to the only outstanding question of the day.

You are welcome.


  1. I was watching BBC World News and the British anchors were wondering whether or not Schoen would ever make a coherent point. They seemed genuinely confused by the performance. Another embarrassing moment on the world stage brought to us courtesy of the former president.

    1. I was so relieved to hear that no one else could follow his arguments. What an embarrassment, indeed.

  2. We've played parts of them, and they're incoherent. Only the best people.

    1. TBG went to the sports talking heads. I watched and laughed.

  3. Considering that the constitutional question was answered and that they made no sense yesterday I can hardly wait to see how on earth they will try and defend him when it's their turn!

  4. I hear through the media that Trump was none too pleased by his lawyers' defense. Could that be because he has none?


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