
Friday, January 15, 2021

To My Grandchildren, Part Two

I feel marginally safer right now, although the country still feels like it's going to hell in a handbasket.  Order was restored, the people's business is receiving attention, and it looks as if the information that was provided to those who were responsible for the safety of Congress was accurate and timely.

Why there was such a lapse between insurrection and control remains an open issue.  So many balls were dropped.  So many calls were not taken.  So many helping hands were refused.  It will take a while to sort it all out, but I have confidence that the work will get done.

Why? Because now that the shooting has stopped what's left is the fear, and fear is a great motivator.  
Staffs are threatening mass resignations if something is not done - and that something includes voting to impeach the instigator in chief.

There are 10 Republican members of the House of Representatives who voted with all the Democrats.  Only 10.  Of the rest, many say they are afraid for their lives and the lives of their families if they vote to impeach.  

Remember that oath, the one about protecting and defending the Constitution?  Did they think that meant only when it wasn't scary to do so?  

The political machinations are ongoing.  Joe Biden will be sworn in before another week passes.  There is a massive military buildup prior to the inauguration, an inauguration that very few will attend, given COVID and security and the fact that it's January in Washington DC and likely to be really cold, and the world moves on.

I just didn't want you to have to worry too much about me right now.  It feels as if our institutions have held, for now, and that's information I wanted you to have.


  1. "Remember that oath, the one about protecting and defending the Constitution? Did they think that meant only when it wasn't scary to do so? "



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