
Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving Day

I made an apple pie with FlapJilly this morning.  She made hers in Indiana, and mine was created here in Tucson,  but we made them together,  on Zoom. 
My turkey came out of the oven just as the veggies were ready.  The masked potatoes had no lumps.  The rolls were perfect.  No one cared that the jello mold wasn't gelled; we'll eat it tomorrow. 
Leftovers. My favorite part of Thanksgiving.  I suppose there's no reason I can't have pie for breakfast.  Ice cream can be my milk substitute. 
I spent the day with memories. CTG and G'ma, Nannie and Grandpaw, old neighbors and Auntie M, they all made an appearance.  

There were some tears involved. 
A long walk after dinner, the sun sitting low in the sky,  the golden hour. 


  1. I learned that it is actually pleasant to have a scaled down Holiday once in a while. Maybe not every year, but at least once in every hundred years or so.

    1. I settle for a pandemic not recurring for another 100 years. Yes, I will.

  2. Oh, you had lovely weather for a walk. It was cold and windy here so I stayed indoors. Our Thanksgiving dinner was tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches and really good brownies for dessert. Life is good and I'm thankful for friends like you.

    1. It was beautiful; we strolled for 2 miles.
      I'm glad that you are in my life, too :-)

  3. "Masked" potatoes. Hilarious 2020 typo :)


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