
Friday, November 20, 2020

My Front Porch - A Snippet

The only new people I talk to these days are the ones who bring me food.  Tonight, I perched on the edge of the pedestal of the column in the courtyard, smiling at my uncomfortable front porch perch, while I waited for dinner to arrive.

A couple appeared, walking purposefully south on my street.  They are among the regulars who pass my window as I type to you, or play mah jongg with Scarlet, or Zoom with the 5th grade.  

I waved, not expecting to be noticed, and was pleasantly surprised when he waved back.  

I see you from my desk, pointing to the window.  You are part of my entertainment every day.

We laughed and then they were past the house and the moment was over.

Human connections are what I miss most.


  1. Me too! I'm the person who chats up strangers in lines such as in the Post Office since it's more fun finding out how many grandchildren will be receiving all their packages than standing there silently. At this point I wonder if I'll ever get to do that again. Yes, I'll eventually take the vaccine but I'm not sure that will give me enough confidence to fully rejoin society. At least I do know that my mood will improve on January 20!

    1. I had to ask the girls behind the counter at Breadsmith for their names. It's the only store I go into - I'm usually the only one there - and they are the only people "in the world" with whom I interact on a regular basis.
      January 20 can't come soon enough.


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