
Monday, November 16, 2020

A Productive Day

I'm exhausted. I worked a full day,  with two breaks plus lunch. My hip was challenged, my hands were achy,  but the second guest room is now cleared of that which made it uninhabitable. I'm very proud. 

It's nice when my mood matches my energy; it's been a rare confluence lately. But this morning I woke up early and started in on what I'd organized yesterday: all the yarn my mom and I have accumulated over the past 70 some years.  I moved clothes worn by visitors up high, and put pretty boxes filled with yarn on the rest of the now empty shelves. 

Much of Little Cuter's teen age years was appearing. Posters from her past lined the back of the closet.  She told me to send her a picture of this one
and toss the rest.

I was ruthless.  The Donate and Yard Sale and Recycle and Garbage piles spilled into the hallway. 

I turned my attention to the bookshelf. Many of G'ma's knickknacks had found a home there and there they will stay.  My copy of Little Women and Daddooooo's leather Shakespeare (with his notes) and a few other books from my childhood will keep them company. 

Little Cuter had a literary treasure trove.
Only Diane Arbus, Ansel Adams, and Annie LaMott survived the purge.

At 3:30 I was finished.  Literally.  My body was done.  The floor was vacuumed. The cabinets were organized.  There was nothing left to do. 

I haven't been this productive in months.  Neither have I been this physically spent.  

My smile's pretty big,  too. 


  1. It's good to have a sense of accomplishment. I'm only doing small bits and bobs around here right now.

  2. It began as just a mini yarn project. It eventually took over the whole room. Something had to be done!

  3. Good for you! Besides the ordinary Monday housecleaning and laundry that Tom and I do together, I reorganized my sock drawer. That was enough for me.

    1. I went through my socks a few weeks ago. Perhaps you have the "others" that are missing from my stash??

  4. You certainly ran with that spark of ambition. I wish such a spark of focused energy would ignite in me. My list gets longer as not much is getting crossed off these days.

    1. Do not castigate yourself! We are old. Those piles will be there long after we are not. I sat and looked at those piles for 7 months of quarantine before I felt the oomph to get going.


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