
Monday, October 12, 2020


I smiled when I realized that this week was coming up. I have a post for Columbus/Indigenous Peoples/ Second Monday in October Day. I have a post about voting. I have a post about Daddooooo. That gets me to Thursday and something will certainly happen between now and then. 

Unfortunately, I read my Columbus Day post and I'm not reprinting it. It just doesn't seem relevant today.

What strikes me about today is that the holiday - whatever you call it - falls when it is supposed to fall, on October 12th. The fact that I noticed this let's me know that October 14th is Daddooooo's 104th birthday.... I can never remember which is which.... my dad or Columbus.... the 12th or the 14th.

And I think it matters what you call it. It used to be a school holiday, when it celebrated a noted Italian. Now that it is Indigenous Peoples Day, it's the starting date for on-campus, hybrid classes in my district. 

I'm trying to feel like that doesn't matter. I'll let you know how it goes. 

 For now, I"m going to finish this post work on getting my hair out of my face. There is a lot of it. I'd rather my thoughts roam around clips and scrunchies than racial inequities. It's Sunday night. I'm taking the angst off.

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