
Friday, October 2, 2020

Pandemica's Small Changes - A Snippet

Much has been lost since Donald Trump stole my country.  

Among the losses are Perfect Patty and her delightful daughter, My Young Friend.  We lost Patty to ICE and the bus to Nogales.  We lost My Young Friend to Shelter in Place.  Though she'll run to Costco for me, or rake stones that hurt my hip to move, I won't let her in to help me clean.

My house began to take notice. I acquired the proper tools and, with support from the other person who lives here, things began to sparkle once more.  Today was one of the days where the kitchen screamed Clean Me Now, and more than Method Daily Cleaner and Shine was called for.

Off came the burners and out came Barkeepers Friend. Soapy water on the counters and everything up and out.  After vacuuming came mopping and then we collapsed on the bed, waiting for the floors in the rest of the house to dry.

Normally, on a day like this, we'd opt to go out for dinner.  It was A Patty House and we didn't want to mess it up.

Today, having done the work myself, I was absolutely delighted to spend time in my beautiful space, creating a meal with not a lot of splattering to mess it up.  

Much has changed, indeed.  I am now happy to spend time in the kitchen.

The universe is realigning on its axis.


  1. The only housekeeping staff here is me and Terry. He vacuums, cleans the kitchen after each mess I make, and keeps all glass and mirrors streak-free. However, due to being home so much, I do lots more cleaning than I did, pre-pandemic.

    1. I'm in charge, delegating tasks and complimenting the completion. I, too, am home so much more and am seeing so many more messes.

  2. It has been quite a long time since I had anyone clean my house but I still remember the feeling of coming home from work to a sparkling house. I clean on a schedule so while my house is clean I don't get that "all at once" feeling.

    1. I started out Pandemica doing one room at a time; my house was semi-clean all the time. Now, we are exhausted but the whole house smiles at once!

  3. I miss cleaning services. There was something in the air from their products that just yelled "clean" when we got home. Once we retired, we figured we had time to do it ourselves. I guess it was good that we were in practice to be sheltering in place.

    1. The first major argument we had as a married couple was over cleaning toilets. I vowed that when we got back to our permanent abode, we were getting help. And we did. And I love it. And I miss it! Now I get to feel it vicariously when Little Cuter comes home to CLEAN.


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