Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Happy Anniversary

Eight years ago, we were all together.   

G'ma and Auntie M, uncles from Maryland and Colorado. Most of the girl cousins.  Play group and high school, Marin and Bloomington, people who might never have met were sharing stories long into the night.

All the stories had the same theme - these are two of the nicest people we've ever known. They are sometimes silly and sometimes ornery but mostly they lead with love, killing with kindness as they move through the world, making it a better place for everyone they touch.

I can look out at the backyard and see it clearly, as if the chairs and the people were still there. I see Big Bob and TBG sharing hopes and dreams over cigars.  I see SIR's sister accepting kudos for bringing you together and I hear G'ma asking where she was.... and surmising that it must be a wedding because there was a bride.

Yes, she knew you, Little Cuter.  She knew the most important thing about the two of you - that you are surrounded by love, a love that is open and boundless and judgment free.  There's always room for a hug, for a smile, for kindness, for inclusion.  

It was the loveliest wedding we ever threw.  You two are my favorite married children. 

Happy Anniversary!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was the best day this house has ever seen!

  2. Awwww. Thanks, Mama!

    1. Thank YOU! Without YOU this post could never have been written! Here's to having the good judgment to choose SIR.... and he to choose you!

  3. Happy Anniversary to your kids. Look how far you've all come!

    1. So far! New home, new kids, new jobs.... same love <3

  4. Best G'ma memory from the wedding: Dad and I picked her up to bring her to the event all dressed in our nice clothes. She had two questions for the trip: "Where are we going?" "Little Cuter's wedding."
    "Oh, that's nice. (pause) Do we like him?"
    "Yes Grandma. We like him."
    "That's good then."

    Short term memory flickering, but the love was there.

  5. And our house got to be a part of it too. Great memories.

    1. Because you are The Best Neighbors, Ever! The wedding party and Brother's family enjoyed your abode


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