
Monday, August 31, 2020

Running Around Town

I was bored on Saturday afternoon.

I'd finished my book, my hands were achy from too much crocheting, and dinner wasn't going to take much work.  The clouds were gathering, so swimming was not an option.  I'd already done one Pilates video.  I had no interest in cleaning.

So, I baked brownies.  Lots of brownies.

TBG did some damage to the first pan, but I woke up on Sunday morning to more brownies than one man should eat.  Sorrowfully, he agreed with my assessment.  I bagged them up and took to the streets.

I left some in Amster's mailbox for her boys.  I left some with Scarlett for her neighbor whose dog died this week.  I hung out with Dr. K and Not-Kathy on their front porch, admiring their succulents and bemoaning the fate of the fig tree, before leaving them with some treats and driving on.

I was going to make another stop, but there was a line of people out the door so I called ahead for fried chicken from Lucky Wishbone and meandered over to pick it up.

I came home with a big smile on my face.  There was such a sense of freedom, of normalcy (normality? one of them got Hoover into trouble, and I don't remember which one is right).  I listened to the radio.  I drove on formerly familiar streets.  I noticed local restaurants replaced by national chains, and the shadows of signs where small stores once thrived.  

It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon in the summertime, with clouds gathering and the streets mostly empty.  It made me so very happy


  1. Delivering goodies to good friends can make one feel so good. Glad to hear you were able to get out and see people and see the world. Inspires me to do some baking and make some deliveries this week.

    1. So good! Just getting out and about made such a difference. Self-care by being a Brownie Elf.....

  2. I went to the Post Office last week for the 1st time since March and was suprised that it felt so good to do a normal errand again. I was very apprehensive about it but I lucked out and there were no other customers there so I didn't have to worry about the unmasked. Maybe this week I'll go inside Target to return several of the shipped items.

    1. For some reason, Target is on our no-go list. I'm unable to explain our refusal to go there, when we will go to Costco, Trader Joe's and Safeway. I think it's the prevalence of mask wearing in those stores. Our AZ governor just re-opened gyms, and I think bars, so things will go downhill from here. We did go to the PO to mail taxes.

    2. I've been going to the post office to mail things that can't be done on-line, but I've been going when they are closed; I use the automated machine. I just can't make myself go into stores.... though I miss Costco so much.

    3. And the unmasked and reopened Arizona makes me nuts!


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