
Monday, August 17, 2020

FaceTime with FlapJilly

FlapJilly and her family have agreed to share their emotions and to ask for what they need during this Weird Time.  So, when the soon-to-be-1st-grader stated that she wasn't ready to end our daily call, it was Gramma to the rescue.  TBG went off to make a pizza, SIR was attending to Giblet, and Little Cuter had a brief moment to tend only to herself... and the house... and .. .. and.....

These young parents working from home are my heroes.  

So, after several abortive attempts to connect, we were finally on together, with our Effects keeping us amused.   My face mask includes cucumber slices; I just missed capturing it the picture.
My little marsupial hops across the screen, with FlapJilly's sweet voice singing a hopping song.
I'm not thrilled with the ones that cover her face entirely; I decided to retreat to space with E.T. while she flapped her owl wings.
Giblet got into the act when his big sister offered him the phone.  He's big for his age, but not THIS BIG!
As usual, TBG and I had not yet had lunch when the kids called.  With popcorn streaming in front of her face, FlapJilly ate her tuna while Gramma , you little devil, scooped up some yogurt.
I spared you the photo of the chihuahua vomiting dog bones.  The kid loves it; I merely pretend to be amused.
That's a pretty vicious tiger, with sharp claws that tried to injure me through the ether.  Once again, I escaped to space.
She went quickly from predator to prey, offering me her entire head to eat as much as I wanted.
Again, the kids was fascinated with seeing herself as a pixilated bomb.  I retaliated with a purple moustache and an extra 100 pounds.
We ended with Yak to School, her current favorite avatar.
School starts on Wednesday.  I'll have a lot to say about that. For now, until schools starts, she is loafing on the couch, soaking up the last free days of summer.  It was her Mommy' idea.  


  1. What fun! My older iPad doesn't support masks.

    1. Oh, that's so sad! She puts on effects, and my job is to tell her how cute she is. It's not a problem!

  2. good times with the grands! Our granddaughter has been busy, I guess, and hasn't facetimed in a couple of weeks. She is now 11 and has suddenly become more like a teenager than the young kid I knew so well. Not seeing them in person for 8 months has been hard.

    Your hair has gotten so long. It really looks good on you.

    1. Ah.... 11..... that wonderful (NOT!) time of life. I'm sure you miss her, and the kid she was. Glad she can stay busy; FlapJilly is so lonesome for friends that I have taken over the role of Adorer in Chief :-0
      I haven't had a haircut since December. I haven't had a pony tail since graduate school. I had to order hair clips and ties with my groceries to keep it out of my eyes, but I'm enjoying Having Hair (it's an upcoming blog post)

  3. Your hair looks good long! Mine reaches my collar bone, and occasionally I pull it into a pony tail and cut an inch or so off of it. So far, so good. We lucked in to a clippers set at Costco quite some time ago, and I've become adept with the #3, #2 and ear tapers on Jim's head. What's TBG doing with his? Did you get the high winds yesterday? We did late in the day, it stripped some leaves off of my bougainvillea.

  4. Thanks! It's a blog post later this week :-)
    TBG has always hacked at his hair himself.
    The winds were fierce, but we got rain!!!!! No real damage beyond a few weak twigs.


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