
Thursday, June 25, 2020

To Olga, and JannyLou, and Allison - A Snippet

Thank you for your comments on yesterday's post.  Thank you for so many, many reasons.

It always amuses me when the trivial posts attract attention.  Little Cuter told me today that it doesn't always have to be profound, and that made me feel better.

But, more than that, it was your easy acceptance of the importance of the mundane.  Naming it, describing it, validating it - all that happens publicly, right here in The Burrow. 

I never want to let you down.  It's nice to be reminded that you enjoy the simple things, too.

And now, since nothing much has happened (beyond the further erosion of trust in our judicial system) since yesterday, I'm done.


  1. I had something big happen yesterday - I went to the dentist for my six month cleaning! It actually felt nice to be somewhere that everyone was wearing a mask, and felt so much safer than going to the pharmacy within the grocery store. Since I live in Prescott the percentage of masked vs non- masked is maybe 50/50, sometimes 60/40. Our numbers are going up too and yet we'll be having ALL the 4th of July activities including the downtown rodeo parade! No more adventures outside the house for me for awhile!

    1. I just don't understand it. Masks and social distancing would get us so far to recovery. The public events make me NUTS.

  2. From yesterday, is it drivel or just daily life? One can only dwell on the disaster in the White House so much, I can't really go out and protest march, I already show more garden pics than most care about, and health issues are not much fun to read about. Today I wrote about cherries and surgery. I'll be having some of both.

    1. Garden posts are fabulous!
      And dwelling on the disaster in DC is really taxing my brain.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!