
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Time Passes, Part 2

Though the studio is open in a thoughtful way, I won't be taking Pilates in public for a while.  I just don't feel safe spending a prolonged period of time indoors, one on one, face to face with my instructor.

But, I love Pilates and I can't be without it, not if I want to keep walking in something approaching a normal gait, that is.  Classes are offered on-line, and that's been working fairly well for me, but they are scheduled to end this month. 

I signed up for the alternative - a monthly fee to access 72 (and counting) classes anytime I want. The process was simple, the email explaining it was simple, and I was all ready to jump in and start sweating to my laptop when a random sentence caught my eye.

I could watch it on my tv.  The email said it was simple.  Vimeo had videos to guide me through it. I clicked through to them, scrolled down to watch on your tv, and saw the time stamp on the video - 6 yrs.

People have known about this for six years.  I didn't even know there was such a thing as Vimeo until the email arrived. 

I am so behind. 


  1. I didn't know about Vimeo either, but I still wouldn't be able to watch if in my TV. My Smart TV isn't smart any more. I can't get Internet on it, just cable.

    1. It's the "any more" in your comment that gets me! We, like our devices, are living examples of planned obsolescence.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!