
Monday, June 29, 2020

Let Me Rant For Moment, Please

If you don't want to read it, I understand.  My feelings won't be hurt.  Not one little bit.  But this has been boiling up in my head all week long.  I look at it from different angles, trying to find a way out. I attempt to put myself in their shoes.... and I start to hyperventilate.


I'm in a dither over masks. 

Maybe it's the way I was raised.  G'ma lost one of the few friends she had when the woman absolutely refused to fasten her seatbelt.  G'ma's car didn't move until everyone was buckled up  That was the rule.  It was smart, it was the law, and She Said So.  There was no argument.  Her friend wouldn't get in the car if she had to wear a seat belt, and that was that.

To say that the incident made a lasting impression on me would be the understatement of the  pandemic.  You go to the wall for your principles.  There are consequences.  Deal with it.

That science would take a back seat to The American Way and Freedom and Choice (as long as we aren't talking about a uterus) is just amazing to me. 

I took pride in America, until Donald J Trump turned us into a third world country. 

I'm pissed at the Mayo Clinic for allowing Pence to walk around unmasked.  I dwell on the good that could have come from a respected institution making a statement and not letting him through the front door if his nose and mouth weren't covered.  But, they caved.  The swab factory threw out a batch of much needed swabs because they, too, cowered before the power that is Trump.

I understand that people don't wear helmets on motorcycles; we called them Organ Donors when I worked at the Rehab hospital.  But I never see anyone without a seat belt.

Masks.  It's so simple. 

New Zealand had a soccer match with 43,000 people in the stadium, unmasked, because they haven't had a new case in 3 weeks.

It was do-able.  We are The United States of America....... or we used to be.

Okay.  I'm done.

Thanks for listening. Feel free to rant in the comments..... know, in advance, that I agree.


  1. I don't have the energy for rants but on masks, we ordered more and the interchangeable filters came yesterday with the masks yet to come. They are supposed to be more breathable. We ordered more because we do not see this ending anytime soon. So better to get realistic. My husband also ordered something that is supposed to improve air filtering for the house given all the smoke problems we just had. It's a new world, a scary world frankly, but we have to be realistic for ourselves and our families as best we can. I am not really surprised about Arizona's spike given that people go into air conditioned buildings at this time of the year and so many turned masks into something political. Stupid but there is no talking to them. Fortunately our family believes in masks-- most of them

    1. Politics designed to Nancy Pelosi said of Trump, all roads lead to Putin through him.

  2. It seems like such a simple thing. Wear a mask, control your droplets, don't infect other people. Pence did say yesterday to wear a mask, I wonder if he's been pushed off the ticket for the election.

    1. Mitch is wearing a mask now, too, according to TBG who can stand to watch these things more than I can right now (we alternate when it becomes overwhelming). Are the R's running from DJT????

  3. I share your rant.
    I got myself in trouble last week when I was grocery shopping and a lady came near me unmasked. I said,"where's your mask?" After walking on, she stopped and came back and told me I was being very aggressive and I should be careful because someone might hurt me. Really. Mask passion is hot. And baffling.

    1. Someone might hurt you?!??!?!
      I turned away from a man holding the door for me in the post office as he, unmasked, held it open and said Hello. Was I rude? I don't care.
      Going outside is freaking me out. Big TIme.

  4. It's been bizarre as today on FB, a woman said the mask is conditioning women to wear the Muslim masks. I wonder from where the ignorance arises.

    1. QAnon, One America Network ---- and Sean Hannity.

      I'd like to see ANYONE try to condition me (or YOU, for that matter!) to wear a "Muslim Mask."

      Hell in a handbasket, and I'm NOT enjoying the ride.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!