
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

One Of Those Days

I should have planned for it.   It was obviously coming.  I picked up the nightshirt that was on its way to the hamper and threw it over my head last night.  I brushed my teeth, splashed water on my face, and was asleep pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I slept into the 9's.

I was hungry, but had no interest in making myself breakfast.  TBG suggested pancakes, and, since Kodiak pancake mix is irresistible, I was up and at the kitchen in a flash.  I heated and stirred and poured and turned and buttered and ate and cleaned and then I was back on the couch. 

I had nothing in my hands.  The tv wasn't on (TBG was in the bedroom).  I wasn't even facing outside.  It didn't matter.  I had no energy, no enthusiasm, no oomph.

Yes, I was oomph-less.

I bailed on Pilates On-Line.  I opened a container of yogurt for lunch, made sure the bills were paid, and went back to the couch. 

My Kindle book is okay, but eminently put-down-able.  FaceTiming with the grandkids and Little Cuter amused me for an hour or so, rousing me from my stupor to come to the table and play some mah jongg with Scarlet. 

And then the iPad died.  The game is not much fun when she's not sighing on FaceTime on the screen to my left, so we signed off until tomorrow.

And now, I'm back on the couch.  Fortunately, it feels psychologically appropriate to watch tv, and we have 7 more episodes of Billions to crush.  I'm off to wake TBG from his post-swim nap, making the most out of not very much of anything day.

Then, again, all of mine are safe and healthy.  It's a pretty good day, at that.


  1. I think everyone is entitled to have an 'off' day now and then.

    1. I know. It still felt odd, "off" is exactly the right word. Thanks for this.

  2. Oomph-Less is okay some days. Even before the pandemic, I had those days. The tragedy of the pandemic has its effect on all of us. Don't be hard on yourself.

    1. I used to get tired from doing too much. Now I'm tired from doing too little. I am not too hard on myself; I just want to recognize it for what it is. And, this is my journal of Life Right Now, and all facets must be examined and (most of them) exposed :-)


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