
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I Earned a Certificate

Big Cuter and I have finished the Coursera Covid-19 Contact Tracing on-line training.  We earned our certificates.

The course consisted of modules covering transmission and incubation and isolation, giving us the tools to determine how long someone has been/will be infectious, how long someone should quarantine/isolate, and how to gather the information while respecting privacy/confidentiality.  

There was some jargon (the difference between a sign and a symptom) but mostly there were facts.  Big Cuter's suggestion to speed up the teacher's voice made it less time consuming, and, after a while, I fast forwarded so that I could read the verbiage and move on the practice test.  

I learned a lot.  I passed the test with a score of 94% (the arcane distinction between rephrasing and reflecting caught me).  I filled out the form to register for my certificate.

And then I read this:

By checking this box, I acknowledge that I provided my legal name, I am 13 years of age or older, and that I am not from Iran, Sudan, Crimea, or Cuba.
It was a weird ending to an otherwise interesting and useful experience.  Now, to see if someone wants to hire me to do the work.  Contact tracing is how the Ebola epidemic was quelled. I'll be proud to help out here at home.


  1. Thanks for the information. My area is woefully unprepared in the contract tracing area, and shows no signs of changing that any time soon.

    1. Our County is not hiring. "Woefully unprepared" is an understatement, and yet the County Administrator opened us up for business.

  2. In California, the librarians who have been without work due to closed libraries, have taken up the slack and are doing contact tracing. Same thing with some other county workers who didn't have their work to do due to closed offices. There are lots of county health workers who have been trained to do this and they are at work, tracing. More are needed, though.

    1. California is doing a much better job at everything related to this virus. Arizona is open for business.....

    2. Gavin Newsom is one of my heroes. Now, for our county supervisors, NO. They are not very smart to begin with, and then they pander to the economic interests. Tulare County is the worst of all. It's the wild, wild, dark ages there. So many deaths and yet they insist everyone should go to church and then go out to eat.

  3. Congratulations on your certificate! A new career awaits you - in another state maybe.


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