
Friday, May 29, 2020

Beware of What You Wish For - A Snippet

It's my fault.

I've been complaining that the news has to focus on Trump tweets because nothing new is happening.

Then a policeman knelt on George Floyd's neck.

This is not what I had in mind.  I was prepared to read about Disney opening theme parks. I wasn't prepared for policemen calmly watching as their colleague cut off a suspect's air supply. 

I thought I was anxious before, as masks began to deepen the separation between us.  But this.... this....


  1. It did make it all worse for me too. And that "Karen' story in NY. Why the heck do people use a name that actual people have as a terrible name for white 'privileged' women get uppity. I have a friend called Karen and she's the last thing for being that sort of name. They should have made up an imaginary one :( Anyway, both stories were upsetting.

    1. Upsetting... and I, too, worried about Karen's until Amy Cooper co-opted the shitty white woman meme....but I know Amy's too...... there is such a divide in our country. Probably was always there, but it's so rawly exposed right now, with social media, that the stench has a wider reach.

  2. I called my daughter early this morning as she is usually up by 6, but today she was still lying in bed as she, hubby, and daughter sat up talking about what happened to George Floyd and how racist this country is and how hurt people are and how they have every right to be angry....on and on. She said, "mom, I almost forgot about the virus thing." This from the girl who has a few more days of quarantine as she has been exposed to the virus through her husband and daughter.

    1. My granddaughter, too.... see Monday's post :-( At almost 6, she had to be reminded that her girlfriend had darker skin and that was making a difference. Conversations that must be had, overwhelming the virus thing, may not be the worst of the outcomes.

      Sending healthy healing vibes SF way.


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