
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Thoughts From Today

JannyLou and I were going to sit an appropriate distance apart on the path between our houses today,  But the wind was blowing and her allergies were acting up so we postponed until things settle down.

And, as she texted, maybe I'll have something to say by then.
I tried to take a nap, more from boredom than anything else.  Trying to fall asleep, I lay on the bed, wondering what t-shirt I was wearing.  I wanted to remember, I didn't want to look..... until TBG came in and I sat up and saw Little Cuter's breast cancer awareness's pinkness above my shorts.

For some reason, the fact that I couldn't come up with that on my own continued to bother me all afternoon.
We're getting really good at unpacking that which comes in from the Outside.  One of us has dirty hands and does all the collecting and opening and tipping onto the plates that the other, clean hands, has laid out. 

Though it pains me to toss rather than recycle the containers, I don't want them in the house one second longer than they have to be.  On the other hand, the before and after photos showing now clear skies more than makes up for the plastic we'll be adding to the landfills.
Not-Kathy managed to get back from Michigan, where she was on an errand of mercy.  Shepherding her elderly aunt and uncle on the plane and into their temporary residence here in Tucson was going to be complicated enough.  Allegiant Airlines didn't help the situation any by cancelling not one but two flights before finally allowing them to get out of Dodge early this morning. 

She texted that she was home, sitting quietly across the room from her much-missed husband.

We'll Zoom when she can let people in again.  For now, I'm letting her be.
I tried to watch my President this afternoon. How do I tune in exactly when he's saying what every taking head will be repeating ad nauseum for the rest of the day?  It's uncanny.

Today I watched him try not to say that as President he has the power to do everything.....because .....
nope, couldn't do it. 

But I'm not letting him into my seclusion.  He's not invited.  I want only thoughtful, kind, peaceful interruptions in my shelter.


  1. Funny how different we all are. I don't mind watching him at all if I happen to come across something (except rallies, can't stand rallies) but I can't stand to watch Joe Biden. I could have dealt with Bernie but something about Biden seems sleazy to me and that was before the employee brought the abuse charges against him. What I would most like to know is how do we end up here with these choices :(. We tried Instacart yesterday for the first time and that went well

    1. I'm finding his daily talks to be rallies more than facts. Biden doesn't make my blood run, but at least he speaks honestly, with some regard for the rest of us.

      Glad Instacart worked for you. It depends on the worker, I've heard. I get to pick up groceries tomorrow from Safeway. Just the thought of it is thrilling!

    2. I don't watch his daily talks unless I come across them. That's the point-- do what works for you in a time like this. As for Biden's honesty... uh, have you read the woman's accusation for what he did to her? How about his brother and son's profiting. I am not sure any of them are honorable at that level but Biden just has a way of approaching people that turns me off. I mean, what's this about I'll take you out back and we'll fight it out? I just don't get any enthusiasm for him as far as honor goes but we will have to vote for one or the other come November... Not thrilled.

    3. Are the Biden shirt tail relatives really any worse than Ivanka and her Chines trademarks, Jared with his debt relief from Deutche Bank, 45 looking for government bailouts for his hotels, Kavanaugh's entrance to the Supreme Court after his debts were erased by mysterious forces, or the insider trading in the House and Senate? As is usually the case, one votes for the least worst candidate. I know I'm supposed to always believe the woman, but she does have zero corroborating evidence. At this point it has to be Biden, we will not survive another four years of that man.

    4. We said that about Clinton too... As for the trumps, they at least didn't do it when they had political power as the Bidens did. I am used to justifying political votes. Frustrating.

    5. Not true! Ivanka has been getting Chinese trade marks for 3 years. 45 is asking for bailout money as of this past week. And then there is the fact that 45 never divested anything, and forces the secret service to pay rack rates at his hotels. He tore up the emoluments clause and trampled it.

    6. I really don't care about the trumps-- any of them and don't read about them. I was more concerned who the dems would run. I get the 'news' out there but try to avoid the stuff that is put out by one side or the other. I just wish dems had given a better choice and not sure why people like Bullock had no chance or how we ended up with another choice that is flawed-- and Biden is flawed. He might chose Klobuchar, who probably could do the job when he can't. BUT will he be told who he has to pick?

    7. I was very disappointed when Bullock dropped out. We watched an interview with him and he was so impressive.

    8. I liked him, too. Also, the Montana Senator, John Tester, is an impressive guy.

  2. Are you on twitter? Daniel Dale (CNN) and Yamiche Alcindor (NPR) do a really good job of real time reporting, as well as fact checking. That's about as close as I can come to observing the daily rally he's doing.

  3. I want to add something positive here. My daughter runs her husband's veterinarian clinic where they have five families dependent on the income. The rules in Oregon have had them losing about half their income. When she learned of the 'loan', she applied. She learned Monday that she got just over the $100,000 that she requested, which will enable her to keep all her employees on salary. She said she cried when she learned the money had come through. She also gives some of the beef and lamb that we have given her to those employees as it's a tough time for those not on pensions or with a lot of savings. It made me feel teary too that something good was happening in a very bleak time. It's not so tough on my husband and I given our age, but it's really rough for those out there (and a veterinary clinic is really out there) and the ones just starting out. And none of it their fault

    1. THANK YOU for something positive. So glad that her clinic got the money.

      I fear that we'll never agree if we look for unflawed humans, but some flaws just scream louder than others, it seems.

    2. Found out last night that it was approved but could take a few weeks. Payroll is due Friday. We advanced her the money. We saw early this year that we needed to be sure we had liquidity for our kids as it looked dicey early on. Lucky we have it but so many do not. The banks can't give it out until they get it... Very difficult times ahead and if the jobs can't come back, heaven knows what will happen to people. Their clinic has to take in like $2000 a day to cover expenses. Monday they had $600 because the state limits what they can do to be essential. Some of the jobs may never come back. Depressing.

    3. Well, there's your government at work! If they spent all that time on the paperwork and got the approval, what's so hard about pushing another button and sending the money asap?

      And don't get me started about 45 needing his name on the checks......

    4. She looked at her bank account this morning and all the money was there. I give the bank credit. Also our daughter and her husband have been involved in the community from the time they opened the clinic. Support like that can make a difference for how fast the money arrives. We are leaving them the money we advanced them as who knows how long this will last :(

    5. Who knows, indeed? Without robust testing the numbers mean nothing.

      So very happy that someone in my extended orbit got what she needed.


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