
Friday, April 3, 2020

School's Closed

Governor Ducey thinks that gun shops are essential businesses and shouldn't close.  The absurdity of arming people who are forced to stay inside with those who probably annoy them the most is beyond my comprehension, but we chose to move to the wild west, and we have to shut our mouths and move on until Giffords or Everytown  gives me a plan to effect change.  On my own, I have nothing to do but write to him and express my outrage (which I did).

Personal Care Services are also deemed essential - that means that I can get a manicure or a haircut if I choose to put myself in the chair.  My nail salon has closed for the duration (they are mothers of young children and Family First is their mantra).  TBG has agreed to cut my hair (he's really good at it) and since I've never applied color to my tresses I am among the lucky few who aren't worried about exposing their roots (according to Sister, the line in the post office in New Jersey had social distancing markers on the floor which were occupied by women of various ages and ethnicities all wearing hats).

Schools were originally closed until March 27th; I heard nothing all weekend about their reopening.  But this morning my news feed informed me that it's all shut down for the year.

I could hear the silent screams from parents who were looking for a reprieve

I could feel the approving nods from faculty and staff who were looking for a Safety First approach.

I shared the sinking feeling in my stomach with the kids who look to school as a place of joy and wonder, who miss the garden and the playground and the grown ups who care.  I'm as lonely as they are.

And now I have to make a plan.  Grandma's Garden produce is given to the scholars as the year winds down.  They fill small containers and carry their treasures home.  Some of them live through the summer, some of them don't, but all of them are honored and cared for with love.

At least, that's the plan.

The cold weather crops (broccoli, kale, lettuce) are just about at the end of their cycle.  The onions and sweet peas and radishes and carrots should all be ready to harvest in the next few weeks; we timed the planting just so.  I can't bear to leave them in the garden, unloved and uneaten and unappreciated.  And what about all the seed packets we were going to plant last week, after spring break, so that everyone could take home a plant of their own?  Some I can save for next year, but some ought to go to good homes right now.

How I will manage to do that and stay safe remains a mystery.  Until I figure it out, it's just an idea.

Suggestions are welcome.


  1. California schools are closed for the remainder of the year. No summer programs, either. I wonder what next year will look like. I put away my books and my bag of tricks for now. The puppets are all tucked into drawers awaiting their call-back. I am giving the Easter candy I had purchased from Sees to give to the staff to friends and neighbors.

  2. Could you visit the garden, alone or with only TBG, transplant the plants that won't survive until next year into containers, disinfect the outside of the containers, and then deliver them to the sites where students are receiving free food during the school shutdown to be picked up, or even (with help) to the student gardeners' homes?


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!