
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

They Need a New Pronoun

Taos Rainbow and I were discussing our upcoming girls' trip to San Francisco when the subject of the non-cisgendered first person singular came up.

They need a new pronoun, we declared at the same time, laughing at how decades apart haven't changed us at all.

We remember when Ms was invented, she went on. We agreed that whatever initial resistance might arise, a new pronoun would be less of an assault on the ears and the senses than the transformation of the third person plural to the other side of the grammatical chart.

It hurts my ears.

I'm willing to adjust to whatever might be chosen, although I fear it is already too late.

And so, I sigh and move on from this kerfuffle, which is a needed change of pace from the dismantling of our justice system (cf Roger Stone's sentencing recommendation).

I'm going to put out my flag and remember Abe Lincoln, whose birthday is today, and who understood that keeping his rivals within his Cabinet would make him a stronger, not smaller, leader.



  1. I am discouraged. Can this man be stopped before November - or even then?

    1. They (read Putin) want us to be discouraged. They want us to stay home. They want us to give up and let them walk right in. We need to support one another, do what we can when we can, and hope that the ballot box in November delivers us from evil.
      Stay Strong!

  2. As am I. How could this have happened?

    1. Putin. He's very very good at what he does. He's been in power longer than Stalin.
      Also, gerrymandering which makes seats safely Republican as long as they toe the party line.... or else face an immediate primary challenge.
      So - see my response above, and promote the census in under reported areas.
      I refuse to think that this happened because Americans are inherently venal. But I'm having a hard time......

  3. I will not stay home. I will vote and encourage others to vote. It's so red here in Kansas but there are a few of us that elected a Democratic governor.

    1. Staying home lets them win As one bumper sticker I saw read: Any Functioning Adult in 2020!

  4. In many indigenous cultures there were those who referred to as having two spirits. That makes 'they' used as a singular pronoun more understandable to me.

    1. THANK YOU! I think that if I keep that in mind it will help a lot!


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