
Monday, January 20, 2020

Martin Luther King and A Day of Service

I did not know that today is the only Federal Holiday specifically promoting the idea of service to the community.

I find it odd that I, of all people, missed out on this important bit of information.  Doesn't it seem like the kind of thing that would be right up my alley?  Getting people together to do a good deed - that's what floats my boat.  How did this slip past me?

I ought to go to the Tucson Village Farm, since it was their article in the paper that alerted me to the call to service. 

I could drop off the extra diapers and wipes at the Diaper Bank after I leave the snacks the kids didn't eat when they visited at the ICS Food Bank.  I worked with TBG to go through his closet this weekend; I could drop off his discards at the Amphi Clothing Bank.

I could paint at Ben's Bells, doing good while soothing my soul. 

I know I'll take a few moments to think about the man himself.  Flawed, certainly.  But brave and literate and young, so very, very young, when a young man with a grievance took aim across a parking lot and opened fire. 

I have some experience with that.  I imagine I'll spend a few moments in that space, too.

But that space leads me to GRIN and the Prince Scholars and all the good that came out of a tragedy... a tragedy I would trade in a heartbeat, were I able.... because the good is no where near equal to the losses...... but it's all we have. It is what we do to remember, to honor, to keep them by our sides, continuing to inspire. 

Therefore, we do what they, were they here and able, would be doing by our sides.  It brings who they were into specific relief.  It clarifies what their presence meant.then and means now, as we go on. 

Were she here, I'd ask Christina-Taylor to choose for us.


  1. What we lost with King was his desire to bring all people together, to see each other as connected and in a true sense as one-- not divided by race, ethnicity or even politics. We have gone soooo far from that today, and I wonder if he had not been killed if it might've been different. His words are still precious to many and at least we have them.

    1. And that's what I miss most. Losing him and Bobby Kennedy (another imperfect hero) did change our direction toward divisiveness.

      I love that I Have A Dream is memorized the way we memorized the Gettysburg Address.


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