
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Escaping Just In Time

School was delayed for two hours in Granger, Indiana today.  They do that when the snow falls faster than the plows can push it out of the way of the buses. 

Little Cuter said that planes were skidding off the runways at area airports; when we spoke this afternoon there was 10" of snow on the ground.... and it was still coming down.  She said they were beautiful, big, and fat, and soft, snow glove flakes.

The weather app on my phone says there are going to be 4 degrees bumping against one another in northwest Indiana tomorrow.  Four little degrees.... then two more come out to play so that by noon there will be 6 degrees to keep her family warm.

We got out just in time.  It was starting to accumulate as we drove to the airport.  Slush... un-plowed roadways... fools slamming on their brakes and skidding..... traveling 25 miles an hour and gliding to every red light.... TBG and I exchanged knowing glances.

It was a beautiful morning, doing the last load of laundry, watching the backyard turn white.  There's a different kind of quiet that falls on a suburban street, untouched by tire tracks, when it's snowing.  I had a long time to feel that silence as I made my way down the driveway to where the car was waiting.  The driver decided not to risk taking the slight slope; my careful mini steps were neither graceful nor speedy. 

Why do we live in Arizona, FlapJilly asked?

We don't shovel the heat.  We don't slip on it.  There's no school delay because the temperatures are too high.  Planes do, occasionally, find themselves grounded because it's too hot to take off,  but waiting in an air conditioned lobby for the sun to set  is preferable to sliding across the tarmac in a long, silver tube.

I'm just too old for winter.


  1. Bloomington had 4 inches of snow on Monday and Monday night, and record cold lows and highs the last two days. You did get out just in time!

    1. Little Cuter reported a midday temp of 23 today....... it's in the 80's here in Tucson.

  2. I could never live where it gets really cold. When we dip into the 30s here, I go into hibernate mode. Right now, though, we are still in the high 70s and broke a record on Tuesday with 81 degrees. That I will take over snow. However, we desperately need rain.

    1. You sure do need rain. San Francisco was cold over the weekend, according to Big Cuter.... of course cold for him is in the 50's.


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