
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Cooking Class

In Mayor Pete's up-and-coming downtown, TBG, FlapJilly and I ventured to the River Valley Farmers' Market, an indoor veggie store cum cooking class for kids.  Like almost everything we do in South Bend, it was convenient, easy to park, free, and fun.

Rebecca Miller's Goats and Gardens family provided the veggies and sweet baked treats that surrounded the cooking class.   The peppers were too beautiful to resist; we brought three of the home.

As the oldest participant, FlapJilly was assigned to cream the butter...which was, she announced, "a really hard job."
Everyone got a chance to pat the dough,
and roll it out.
Then there were the cookie cutters.
There was a turkey, an owl, and a pumpkin.
Each kid made 3 of their own choosing, which Miss Rebecca placed a baking sheet and popped in the portable oven for 8 minutes.
The chefs made the icing while the cookies cooked.
Sugar and corn syrup make a drippy and tasty treat.
With a green icing pen
and lots and lots of sprinkles, the final touches were added.
She ate all three of them before we left.
Three cookies before lunch?
After a jelly packet with breakfast and a lollipop as we left the restaurant?
That was the warm up before frozen yogurt on the way to get Mama after work.
Grandparents don't really have rules when it comes to foodstuffs.
That's what we're for.


  1. As our daughter tells her kids...ONLY with Grandma and Grampa do you get to do those things!

    1. ONLY!!! We giggled our way through the day, stoked by treats and love.


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