
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Can It Be Starting All Over Again?

We've spent the last 5 Halloweens with Little Cuter and her family.  No one in our neighborhood decorates.  Only Christina-Taylor came to trick or treat.  There was no reason to stick around. 

Instead, we went to a completely decorated, kid infested, flat community, where every house was welcoming costumed beggars.  I trekked with FlapJilly the first two years; after that she ran faster than I could keep up.  I stayed at the kids' house, toasting my tootsies on the portable fire pit, dispensing candy and resting my rehabbing joints.

They moved to Indiana, and we followed them there. Their new neighborhood is just as wonderful as their old one; the plan is still the same.  We were all ready to join them this year, when illness caused us to reassess the situation.

We woke up two days before the flight, feeling as if every bug we'd ever encountered had invaded our bodies.  I was 12 hours ahead of TBG in all the symptoms, and they kept coming.  The day before we were to leave, we called Little Cuter.

Do not bring that sick to my house was her succinct response.

$250 and a few computer clicks later, we were rescheduled for early November, she agreed to mail my green mylar hair in time for Halloween, and I'd gotten over my anguish over changing plans.  We spent the weekend feeling punk, until Sunday, when we actually felt quite human.

That lasted 24 hours.

This afternoon, with TBG leading the way, the symptoms have returned.  We're tired.  Our throats and glands are trying to act up.  Our heads are pounding.  He looks red and has a little fever; that's the only thing we aren't sharing.

It's only Monday.  We don't leave for 7 days.  I'm sure we'll be fine by then.

This feels like a mini-flu, like our bodies know what's attacking, like our defenses have been mobilized and are doing their best to fight the invasion.  We got our flu shots a month ago; the nurse told me that if I did get the flu it wold be a much weaker version than if I skipped the shot.

If you haven't gotten your shot yet, Go Do It Right Now.  We feel awful, and this is the mini-flu.


  1. I'm sorry you are missing a howling good time with your grandkids. There will be another Halloween. For now, rest and recuperate and be ready for another round of holidays. I, too, am hearing that there are some fierce bugs out there, attacking where they can. We got our flu shot and we take a probiotic every day. I change my clothes as soon as I come home from school, and scrub my hands. It's all we can do.

    1. Showering after the kiddos is crucial... but I can't blame them since they were off last week!

  2. We got the old person flu shot this year. It was the first time we've been early enough to get it. I really hope you and TBG are better very soon. Things that hang on are just the pits.

    1. That's what we got, too. Today we feel fine. Who knows???

  3. And those of us 65 or over should get Fluzone, the high dose flu vaccine! We got to a local CVS Minute Clinic when they still had some, before our doctors' office had received any flu vaccine at all.
    (But don't get it the same day as Shingrix.)
    Feel better fast!

    1. Got mine at Target. TBG got his at a regularly scheduled appt.
      We're better now..... but who knows what tomorrow will bring!


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