
Friday, April 12, 2019

Random Thoughts on a Random Week

I was out of the NCAA Men's Basketball pool after the third round.  I watched the games with a lackluster sort of enthusiasm, barely tuning in until the end unless TBG shouted for my attention. 

There was a time when I planned my late March around the Madness.  I missed no games.  One year I won the brokers pool (I knew about Jim Valvano and they did not) and made $90, a nice chunk of change in the early 1980's. 

Time passes and that which used to amuse now becomes background noise to aggravations I wouldn't ever have imagined. 
Government is quirky. 

Some things - deportations and tax collections come uncomfortably to mind - happen with alarming rapidity.  Others - road repairs, at least in my neck of the woods - seem to languish for eternity until they all happen at once. 

After years of closed entrances to the interstate at all ends of our neighborhood, rumor has it that everything will be open for business in a very short while.  We went from bumping along slowly but steadily to being barred from access at all.  And now it will all be available all at once and no one will know what to do.

Which entrance to choose?  Which exit to use? 

Retirees problems, for sure.
The good news/bad news piece of the Ina Road entrance opening made me laugh just now.   We will now have smooth and easy access to the best donuts in Tucson, access denied due to road construction.

I am helpless before them.... and the road is opening soon.
We've been binge watching old movies on TCM. 

Nick and Nora; all The Saint's; several incarnations of Perry Mason, they're old friends who soothe a weary soul. 

The modern world is a barbed and angry place for me right now; I need my old friends now more than ever. 
I've always wanted an emblem.

For a while, in Marin, where we lived on the top of the hill, I wanted a signal flag to announce that we were home and accepting visitors.

Nannie's friend, Irene, put a porcelain cat in her window to encourage folks to drop in.

Somehow, all those random thoughts seemed to go together in my mind..... my mind that has been so roiled by recent events. I'm going to spend the weekend reveling in the presence of my eldest child and anticipating being in the presence of all the younger ones next week.   That is solace for my soul.


  1. My go-to for relaxation are Jane Austen etc. old movies. Elizabeth Gaskell with her North and South is a favorite. Although, last night, we watched our DVD for Open Range, which I've watched many times but really liked the 'how it was made' sectors

    1. And I read Billy Collins poetry when all else fails!

  2. We're recording old TV series on ElRey. It's always a treat when we get an episode we haven't seen before. Nightly News and the PBS News hour are more than we can stand at the moment.

    1. We find ourselves turning to one another and begging, with our eyes, to change the channel from the news. I can't stand it.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!