
Monday, February 11, 2019

Subject: warning shot
Keeping this short... we know you're busy.

We are still 22 months away from the 2020 elections, but Chuck Schumer is already recruiting a new political puppet to throw their hat in the ring and run against Martha McSally next year.

Schumer's PAC has even started running television ads against Martha. Washington liberals are dying to get rid of her because they know she'll never back down to their radical agenda.

This is a warning shot Friend — the fight to de-fend this seat has officially begun.
This assaulted me in my inbox last week.   I ignored it.  It reappeared this morning, forwarded by my Junior Senator herself.  Aside from the obvious grammatical mistakes, the content was no better than the subject.

This is what I emailed in response:


Senator, you are the most tone deaf individual I have ever encountered.  


You rose to prominence in the seat held by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who took more than A WARNING SHOT to the brain while doing what you were too reticent, to reluctant, too dare I say it cowardly to attempt - meeting her constituents while standing in front of a grocery store.  

No tickets.  No fee.  No red tape.  Just Gabby and a few dozen constituents...... until the bullets started to fly.  Ron Barber sat in that seat next, and, just a little more than a year after being perforated himself, he stood in the same spot, doing the same thing.  Ann Kirkpatrick, who represents us now, held one last Saturday.  You may say on your website that you are deployed to Washington, but your deployment does not seem very fraught with danger.... or constituents.


We who were there had no warning, none at all.  

Once you were elected to the House, we tried to get you to meet with us, publicly and privately.  I've written to you, publicly and privately.  I've been in your Tucson office more times than I care to remember.  I have spoken with your District staff and your D.C. staff.  I have never heard from you.  You have never explained why you think I lied, though you did manage to malign me in your telephone town hall when the article appeared.  

You are no more approachable as a Senator.  You have no office in Tucson, where you live, though you have one in Phoenix, where your patron, Gov. Ducey, lives.  Your office has responded "I haven't had a chance to speak to the Senator about that" to each and every phone call I've made.  

I make a lot of phone calls.

I signed on to this mailing list to find a window into your world.  I'm sorry I unlocked the sash.


  1. Good for you. She makes me sick. Glad to see she now has a worthy opponent!

  2. Excellent response to that person. I hope she is voted out of the office she did not win.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!