Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Through a Visitor's Eyes - A Snippet

Jimmy's Sister came to town this week, looking for her forever home.  Tucson is the next stop on her where do I want to live tour, following on the heels of Albuquerque, which was so damn cold!

It's not that toasty here in the desert Southwest these days, either.  Clouds overtook the sunshine as I tied shoelaces on the playground at lunchtime.  Our rousing game of Duck Duck Goose grew progressively colder to my aging self, perched on the ground, silently pleading not to be chosen.

I'm going out tonight; I've spent the afternoon planning what to layer under my wool sweater. Under my jacket.  I may even bring gloves.

I know, I know, it's not as bad as where you are.  But for us, two days without sunshine is a recipe for grumpiness.  Just ask the kindergarten teachers trying to herd their usually well-behaved minions into some semblance of a forward facing line at the end of recess.  There are always more tears to wipe on cloudy days, it seems.

But Jimmy's Sister doesn't seem to be bothered in the least.  She spent the last hour or so in the hot tub, emerging with a spring in her step and a smile on her face.

It's the first smile about the outdoors I've seen all day.


  1. I track important things like the winter weather on my blog, and I have to say this is the worst winter since 2007. The snowbirds are disgruntled to say the least. We're not begrudging the rain, but could it be just a tad warmer? Maybe February will be better. We spent 10 years in the RV looking for the final resting place, and picked Tucson. It's not perfect, but it was the best so far. We did manage to rule out anything east of Santa Fe.

    1. Three days of gloom and I was a wreck. It's much easier to be happy when the sun is out, isn't it? Still, I like having the opportunity to wear my cowboy boots and my sweaters, don't you?

  2. I'm curious what cold is in Tucson? I laugh at my friends in Florida who wear turtlenecks when it gets to 60 degrees. It's 28 here in DC and the high is only supposed to be 42. We have ten inches of snow on the ground too.

    I'm not complaining though. I love snow--just not driving in it.

    Have fun; no matter the weather.

    Stacy xxx

    1. Here in central California it is 52 this morning, with a high expected to be 60, but no sunshine. More rain is coming. To me, it is cold and gloomy, and like those kindergartners, I'm grumpy.

    2. I know how pitiful this sounds, but anything under 60 is feeling cold to me, especially if it's overcast or windy.

    3. Yes, we are weather wimps. Allison pegs it perfectly.


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