
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I Voted

Almost everyone I know uses a mail in ballot.  I like going to the polling place.

I like seeing the proliferation of Vote for Me! signs sharply curtailed at the 75' line.  I like the clearly marked entrance and  the arrows directing me to smiling faces - always the same smiling faces - on folding chairs.  I show my identification and look for further instructions.

I like being told to go Right this way, ma'am and saying hello to Liz, who introduced me to the Happy Ladies Club.  She's an inspector in the system now, presiding over the distribution of ballots.  We've never agreed on policy or politics but we both believe in the process. 

And so, today, I took my paper ballot, filled in the ovals with the lovely fine tipped marker, deposited it in the strongbox, and took my I Voted sticker with a smile.

I spent the day hoping.  I'll spend the night sighing. 

None of the winners in contested races are the Progressive candidates I favored.  79,531 fellow citizens think that Joe Arpaio was fit to represent our state in the United States Senate.... and that was with only 14% of the precincts reporting. 

Still, I'm looking forward to doing it all over again in November.


  1. It was good of Arpaio to split the "crazy" vote. After reading some of Kelly Ward's statements about chem trails and political correctness being cancer we were glad that the sheriff would split the vote. McSally is bad enough, but Ward would have been worse. Who campaigns with a neo-Nazi (Cernovich) on the bus? Who DOES that?

    1. Now we defeat McSally at the polls in November. Kirkpatrick is not my hero, but McSally is a Trump acolyte and cannot sit in the Senate.

  2. Most of my selections lost as well. It was nice to have several races where I had choices to make, for a change. So I'll be able to vote for someone in November, even if it's not the person I wanted. At least the other side made *some* good choices.

    1. Someone..... that, I suppose, is where we are right now.

  3. I know it's stupid, but I like getting my "I Voted" sticker. It makes me proud and I like to flaunt that I'm using my constitutional right to vote. Kelly Ward scares me, but we have our own crazy running against Kaine. He doesn't have a chance. Kaine is revered here in Virginia, but just even knowing someone as racist as Stewart is running, really upsets me.

    I want this election cycle over and I want the scourge that is in the White House gone ASAP.

    Thanks for voting!

    Megan xxx

    1. Love those stickers! Love voting. Scared by the craziness. No wonder I love you.


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