
Friday, April 27, 2018

A Family Affair

Comcast brought the paint and the t-shirts.
Prince provided the labor.
Kids and parents and grandparents worked together
with Dads sometimes carrying an extra burden or two.
The ground beneath the swings was given Bobcats full of sand.
Then there was the need to rake.

Little ones
and bigger ones
painted the climbing gym.
Others posed for Grandma.
One of the teachers told me that this was the first time her windows had been washed in all the years she'd been teaching at Prince.  
The deep cleaning of the tiles required wearing a backpack and pulling the machine.
She was totally into it.
Grandkids were part of the package, too.
There was something for everyone to do.
Weeding the walkway,
cleaning the desks,
staying out of the way.
This is their playground 
and they were committed to making it beautiful.
Next time someone tells you that teachers are over-paid and underworked,
ask them if their children come to their places of employment to do grunt work.
I love this school.
I wish they didn't have to do their own home repairs.



  1. Love this so much! xxx

    1. It was so much fun! If only it didn't have to be done by volunteers and employees' families......


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