
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March For Our Lives, South Bend Style

Little Cuter was so proud of (her) little blue county in a big red state coming together for the sake of common sense. She and SIR and FlapJilly took Giblet to his first march on Saturday evening, and though the weather was frigid, their hearts were warm.
FlapJilly asked to wear her Wonder Woman costume and we said HELL YES because what we need is peace, love, and harmony, so peeking from beneath her winter jacket and and hat-with-ear-flaps-in-MARCH-for-crying-out-loud, is a 3 year old's expression of the power of children.

As my daughter went on, it’s the kids - from 3 to 18 - showing us how it’s done. 

And show them they did.  

The piece Little Cuter wanted me to share with you is this Spoken Word by Ben Fecher, a high school senior, called We The People.    
It's kids like this that inspire me.

 Yes, Everytown and Gabby Giffords's PAC provided introductions and financing and logistical support, but that's what they are supposed to do.  Michael Bloomberg promised to spend his last dime defeating the gun lobby, and he's well on the way to doing so (permits and security and sound systems are not inexpensive).  Gabby and Mark called Robert Kraft, and the Patriots' plane was dispatched to carry Parkland survivor families to DC.  Moms Demand Action volunteers helped sibling marches throughout the country, but the initial impetus came from the students themselves.

Their parents are starting them off right.
A young activist and her parents in DC on 3/24/18


  1. Love that sign above! Hubby said to me on Sunday, "I'm glad you had fun at the march". I told him it wasn't really fun per se, but it was extremely inspirational. It gave me the boost I needed to keep fighting. I've been so disillusioned lately--feeling like nothing is going to be done about the scourge of gun violence in this country. Those kids and that march give me hope! We need to keep the momentum going and not give one inch. I want the NRA and everything they stand for gone. I want us to be a polite, loving society without the need for guns.

    Thanks for sharing Little Cuter's pixs.

    Sending love and hugs!

    Stacy xxx

    1. I know! Inspiration from an entire generation...... loving the feeling <3

  2. Hi Ashleigh,
    I just discovered your blog. What a breath of fresh air! I was in the middle of drafting a post about being more "authentic" on my blog and daring to speak my truth when I took a break and found you. Thanks for putting it all out there and thanks for marching. Hopefully, together, we can begin to make America kind again. Happy Easter from Maine! ~Cheryl

    1. Welcome to The Burrow!
      Next time you comment, leave us the link to your blog. I'd love to see your AUthentic Posts :0


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