
Thursday, January 25, 2018

App Hell - An Existential Dilemma

I went to the gym.  It's my New Year's Resolution - 15 minutes, 3 times each week, on the step machine - and I'm trying to stick to it.

Unfortunately, on Saturday I got a replacement phone for my Moto Droid.  I installed the apps I wanted, including the LAFitness one that held my membership card.  I didn't have the card number any more; I'd thrown it away once I loaded it into my phone.  No worries, thought I.  They will have it at the desk.

They did.  I entered it, along with my universal User Name and Password.  Nothing good happened.

The app told me that an account with that number already existed.  Duh.  I knew that,  That's why I plugged in those numbers and that name and password.  Unfortunately, the app didn't offer me any alternatives.

I turned off the phone and restarted it.  I deleted the app and reentered the number.  I received a new number and started the whole procedure again, from deleting and reinstalling to reentering.  Nothing.  Just the message that an account exists.

If an account exists in the interwebs and no one can retrieve it, does it really exist at all?

The work around is to take a photo of the card itself and have that scanned when I arrive. "Be sure it's a really clear picture, otherwise it won't scan," was the advice from behind the counter.  Without much confidence, I took the picture and stored it safely in a place I'll remember on my phone. 

Wasn't the web supposed to make my life easier?

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