
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Taking Action

I'm having a new experience.  It's making me smile and giggle and look at myself in a whole new way.

Yesterday's post about flight attendants gone bad evoked the same response from three very different people.  None of them thought that I was over-reacting.  Each one of them thought that I should report the incident upstream.  I was gently chided for taking it as calmly as I had.  They all agreed that I was under-reacting.

Never.  Ever.  Not Once.

That's how often I've been told to amp it up.

Often.  Frequently.  More than anyone wants to remember.

That's how often my behavior has been met with eyes and gestures inviting me to take a breath, to take it down a notch or twelve.

But yesterday my readers rallied around my plight, commiserating with me, placing the blame squarely on the rude worker bees in the sky, imploring me to send the email off to Allegiant Air.

And so, I will.  I'll refer them to the blog post for the gory details, and I'll supply the names in that less public venue.  I do it in the name of passengers to come, and with deep respect for those who encouraged me to make my voice heard.

I'm still smiling.  I can't picture myself as the mature human who held off clicking "send,"  only to be encouraged to go for it with gusto.  Giggling.  A lot.

This story has a happy ending.  Read the follow-up post published Nov. 13, 2017


  1. Good. I think of all the stories I've read about passengers becoming unruly and being thrown off a plane. How many were provoked first?! I hope the airline takes it seriously.

    1. We had that exact thought - if we made the kind of tumult we wanted to make we might have been kicked out. Damned if I do, damned if I don't....

  2. You are doing the right thing. Companies need to know when things go awry.

    1. And I always send a note if someone has been wonderful, too, so I don't feel like I'm acting totally out of character.

  3. It's good to provide feedback. I have had it with Century Link and their incompetence, which is a repeatable process, and so finally filled out one of their surveys. I'm very pleased you're taking the time to let the airline know they have multiple training opportunities.

    1. I'm not sure how you train out infantile behavior, though :-)


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