
Friday, October 13, 2017

On The Road

I'm taking myself on a mini-vacation.  People invited me, and I said yes. 

Seret and Mr. DreamyCakes, have flown to Sedona.  Amster and her girlfriends and their assorted relatives of all ages from a variety of relationships have rented a big house in Flagstaff.  They all wanted me.  I had no reason to say no.

Packing is making me smile.  This is an opportunity to wear my fall clothes.  I'm tossing a light jacket into the car.  I can wear my cowboy boots.  The problem is restricting myself to just enough; my inclination is to take everything (I've just mentally added another pair of cowboy boots).

I'll be gone for 50 hours; the planning has taken three times that. 

I'm printing out the driving directions just in case I lose my cell signal.  Somewhere I have a map; I'll be perusing my route tonight as I watch the Cubbies.  Since Lucy (myMapQuest voice who has a lot of 'splaining to do) has taken to muting herself for no reason at all, I want to be sure I know where I'm going before I get there. 

According to, late September through mid-October is the best time to visit Sedona to see the fall leaves change color.  Watching the leaves turn behind FlapJilly as we Facetime is as close to a leaf peeping opportunity as I get. The drive up and back is an extra added bonus to a weekend with my friends.  

I have some new library books from which to choose, and a cornucopia of delights for my picnic lunch.  I'm bringing adult libations and games for all ages and my own pillow and blanket, just in case the kids have added more friends than the linen closet could support.  

I'm not responsible for anyone's happiness but my own.  I'm a guest among guests among people who are friends.  

I'm on the road.


  1. Be sure and look at a "real" map since those online maps aren't always right - Google maps gave us a wrong (dead end into gated community) turn on our trip to Chandler. Enjoy!

    1. The maps were no better than Lucy! I pulled over more than once, just to be sure :-)

  2. Flagstaff has already had snow but Sedona should be warmer. I love both especially the back country in Sedona-- more than the touristy spots in the town. And Flagstaff, definitely could see myself living there someday even though I've had it snow on me there in May lol

    1. Flag was delightfully cool, but too cold to sleep outside (which I thought might be fun when I was home in Tucson and it was in the high 90's!). Sedona is just wonderful, I agree.


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