
Monday, January 30, 2017

Remembering and Acting

Was The White House tone deaf or deliberately defiant by timing the Executive Order restricting immigration to coincide with Holocaust Remembrance Day?  Steve Bannon has long ago proven his anti-Semitic bias to me; Alt Right includes neo-Nazi's, if you choose to argue over his actual use of anti-Semitic rhetoric vs his support of those who do.  His nihilism is creeping into all the corners of the Executive Branch, and I have no reason to doubt his influence in this, too.

DJT's omission of Saudi Arabia from the ban on entry makes me wonder if he did extra homework over the weekend in one of his Alternative Fact Workbooks.  After all, Saudi Arabia's proven history of supporting terrorism includes those pesky 9/11 bombers,

FDR turned back boatloads of refugees yearning to breathe free, or at least not be turned into smoke and ashes.  It was not his most shining hour.  Sixth graders read The Diary of Anne Frank and wonder how many Anne Franks are huddled in basements, worrying about bombs, wondering why America has become such a cold and unwelcoming place.

Well, not all of America.  Not my America, at least.

Little Cuter is hounding the mayor of South Bend -- what can she do to help?  Lady Jane has organized an email list of concerned women who are willing to take immediate action by phone (good luck with that) and postcard and check book.  JannyLou is corralling a similar group, though this one will make visits to the offices of our elected officials, presenting ourselves and our opinions on a regular basis. Sgt. Lois is already involved with that kind of group; they're planning their second Senatorial Office visit.

I'm as energized as I was in the 1970's, when Vietnam and reproductive health were worth hollering about.

It's only been one week.  I hope I still feel this way next month.


  1. Absolutely!! Never have I been more energized.

    1. <3
      We'll revisit this in a month.... with even more energy, perhaps?

  2. I am trying to take some action each day. today we completed phone or email messages to the committee that will decide on Betsy DeVos tomorrow. I fear she will be pushed through without complete vetting. I also contributed to the ACLU today. So many worthy causes - I have to pace out my giving.

    1. We've done this before and we can do it again..... tho I cannot believe we are here, once more, fighting for what's right. Democracy is certainly hard work!


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