
Monday, January 2, 2017


TBG thinks it's an interesting number, 2,017.  That's the way he is, calculating and examining the world from a mathematical perspective.  

I find it amusing that I've arrived at the second year I imagined when I was a child. The first was 2000, when I would be the unimaginable age of 48.  The second was this, 2017, when I'd be Officially Old - 65.

FlapJilly and her parents went to a Noon Year's Eve Party (at a library, of course) designed for those who couldn't stay up until midnight but who certainly could manage 12 noon and ended twelve hours later with my daughter, in her backyard, with a fleece blanket over her shoulders, slashing the top off a bottle of champagne with a crowbar instead of a sabre.

Facebook is exploding with wasn't that the worst year ever??? but I'm more anxious about the future than I am about the past.  The last night of Hanukkah coincided with the end of the old year, and the lights reminded me that miracles do exist, that the way will be brighter than, perhaps, we can imagine.

But the best thought of all, the one that reminds me to look to the light, was this note, shared by SIR's cousin, on New Year's Eve.  If you're looking for a reason to remember 2016 with fondness, here it is:

As much as 2016 sucked for so many people, I had one of the best years ever. My Mom was here for EVERY SINGLE DAY of it!!!!!! And they told us she wouldn't even live to see one day of it. Silly doctors, they didn't know who they were talking to.

Happy New Year, denizens!  May it be filled with wonderful surprises.


  1. I did a little personal review of my year, based on my blog posts. There were lots of good things going on last year, and one very big downer, of course.

    1. I think it's my favorite part of blogging - the record of time gone by.


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