
Friday, August 5, 2016

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

When BlogHer merged with SheKnowsMedia a little more than a year ago, the changes were subtle but meaningful.  As time goes by, they become more overt and meaningful in an entirely different way.  I'm not altogether pleased.  And, although no one asked my opinion on the subject, I'm offering it here, anyway.

After the merge, my ad revenue checks began coming regularly, and with more data on the stub.  $25 every quarter isn't much, but it makes me happy and so, by extension, I was happy with SheKnowMedia.  The ad choices were more varied and the payouts (marginally) larger.  Last year's BlogHer conference was splashier and more vibrant and, perhaps, a little more Hollywood.  Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop website (like me? buy what I like!) wasn't that interesting to me, but Black Lives Matter and Ana DuVernay more than made up it.  

But today, when I should be checking into the Marriott in L.A. for BlogHer'16, I am typing away at my desk in my own library in my own home in Tucson.  I'm not all by myself.  I'm still responsible for all that is usually on my plate.  I won't be collecting swag and meeting old friends.  I won't learn anything new nor will I hear from eloquent bloggers.  Kim Kardashian and Mayim Bialik and Sara Michelle Gellar do not entice me. 

I will learn about coding elsewhere.  I will optimize my SEO's with help from Tucson friends.  I can't replace the swag, but Amster's kids were the usual recipients and, now that they are in middle school, giant stuffed pencils hold less allure.  I will be fine.

I'm just sorry that what was once the highlight of my blogging year is no longer available to me.  It's like losing an old friend.


  1. I've had that issue too. I used to go to Photoshop World, but stopped going a couple of years ago. It got too big and it focused so much on photography, I felt left out. I have a design background; not photography. So I just stopped going. Yes, I miss it, but I have found other conferences I love even more--like Adobe Max. I've been to seven of those and love them.

    Have a great weekend.

    Megan xxx

    1. I was sad to see the emphasis change from writing and content to promotion and monetization. Sigh.....

  2. Sounds like you made the right choice. I've had an issue with conferences and although it's highly recommended for authors and I belong to several groups, I've not gone. One of the biggest has been a turnoff to me for the activities and that's gone on for years. They have a beauty show only it's the 'hot' male models for the covers. I've seen videos where the women whoop and holler and that is so not me. Then the event where the women dress up in evening gowns or prairie style dresses (varies by the conference) and again that's just not me. I am studying them more carefully this year with the idea maybe next year I'll give one a try-- but Kim K. there would be a big no vote as what she has to do with anything but celebrity, I don't know and never having watched their show (not planning to either), I have no idea other than she wants to be important and make lots of money. To some she is.

    1. Little Cuter, my go-to on all things pop culture, agrees with you. "Yuck" was her reaction. The difference between a quality product and celebrity naked sex tapes is pretty clear to me, but apparently is a blurry line for SheKnowsMedia.

      It's a shame, b/c I learned at the previous events, but I agree with you - the parties and such leave me cold.


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