
Thursday, July 14, 2016

All These Mouthy Women - A Snippet

Ruth Bader Ginsburg.... Notorious RBG.... Cornellian.... Supreme Court Justice.... and, according to the presumptive Republican nominee, a woman whose mind is shot.

Hillary Rodham Clinton.... Democratic nominee (no one seems to feel the need to include presumptive).... Wellesley and Yale alumna....  Secretary of State, First Lady, Senator... and the woman whose Google search with her name and shrill brings up 281,000 results.

What is wrong with these females, anyhow?  Why can't they keep their opinions to themselves?  Did they never learn manners?

I am so fed up with this line of argument.  I find myself screeching at my car radio.  I really thought we were past this.

If shrill doesn't define Donald Trump, I don't know what does, but words like bluster and pompous are used to describe him.  Shrill is a girl word in the way that Mr. 13 explained that "slut can't be for a boy, Mom, because it's a girl word."  

Perhaps a female president will be just the wake up call those 8th grade boys... and those boys who still act as if they are in 8th grade.... really need.


  1. The unfortunate part with Ginsburg was the same with Scalia, that they make their party preference too obvious for anyone to see them as not biased. I wish we could get Justices who actually cared about the law instead of partisanship. I guess those days are behind us.

    1. I don't know that they were ever with us, Rain. The egregious examples stick out, but it's been an ugly scene since the 1800's. Maybe that's what happens when you have real humans instead of androids? Maybe this is another reason TBG and Available were such good friends?

  2. Although Ginsburg was spot on with her comment it was extremely unprofessional of her to say it. The justices all sit, in their robes, together at state of the union addresses, and they don't applaud. Their party affiliation should never be obvious as Rain says. #settlingforHillary

    1. True. But I admit that I'm more inclined to agree with dkzody and Liz below.

      Something has to bring a smile to my face this season.

  3. I'm cheering for Ginsburg. You go, girl.

  4. Ok, this is more like it. Girl power!


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