
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Political Random Thoughts - The Cruz Edition

Ted Cruz stood on a basketball court and referred to the ring, not the hoop.
He's just so annoying, I enjoy sharing his errors.
I wonder if all those lovely young white girls surrounding him have given any thought to how intrusive he wants be in their reproductive care decisions?  

Hey, Ted.  If you want to pander, get your terms right.
Barbara Boxer, my former Congresswoman and Senator, has the best response to Sen. Cruz's choice of Carly Fiorina as his vice-presidential running mate.  She tweeted:
I predict that the latest @CarlyFiorina merger will be as successful as her last one.
Is she being positioned as the alter-Trump?  Is she being touted as a successful business woman?  I can hardly wait to listen to the comparisons:  four business bankruptcies vs running Hewlett-Packard into the ground after the disastrous merger with Compaq.

It boggles the mind, watching the Republican party, the party of business, represented by these people.
Wondering if any other not-going-to-win-the-delegate-battle candidate has ever chosen a Veep before?

Yes.  Ronald Reagan did, four years before winning the nomination.

It's sad, watching the Ronnie-wanna-be play catch up.
Should Trump triumph in Cleveland, but lose in November, would Ted Cruz be the presumptive leader of the party?

Where will the people I know who call themselves Republicans end up if that happens?  Voting in the Arizona Presidential Preference Election (a lovely moniker) was difficult for them; following their party over the next few years is excruciating.


  1. Cannot stand either one of them. It's gotten so bad that a friend of mine, who is a life-long Republican, said she's voting for Hillary. She says what's been presented on the right is just awful. Yesterday, she told me she was quite upset by Fiorina being picked as Cruz's running mate. I was shocked when she told me that she makes women look bad and sets us back by 100 years. The whole Planned Parenthood video fiasco really angered me. She lied and then when it was pointed out that the videos were fake, she kept saying they were real. I guess in Fiorina land if you say the same lie a zillion times. it eventually becomes truth.

    Cruz and Fiorina deserve each other. Both of them are slimy and opportunistic and they don't care who they step on to get what they want.

    I just want this election cycle over with so I'm not continuously subjected to these train-wrecks.

    Megan xxx

    1. She is another one who has few friends (see comment below).
      I agree. November can't come soon enough,.

  2. "Lucifer in the flesh."
    I'll just leave that there. :/

    1. I know. It's rare to find the dislike so universally shared on all sides of the aisle.

  3. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan definitely sees himself as the next leader of the Republican Party. He is busy positioning himself for that role. No doubt he has his eye on a Presidential run in 2020. Unless a scandal develops I fear Ted Cruz will also have his eye on 2020. This could get interesting. I don't care how Ted Cruz is eliminated from Washington, I just want him gone before 2020. I don't have a lot of confidence in Paul Ryan's leadership. He gives lots of speeches but haven't heard much that can actually come to pass. Perhaps he's in a bubble, but he's certainly better than Ted Cruz.


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