
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Children's Museum

As promised, there is more love to share here in The Burrow.  FlapJilly took us to The DuPage Children's Museum today, and Little Cuter took lots of pictures.  This was odd for me,
I since the last time I was in a Children's Museum she was the child and I was taking pictures.
 But, today, I got to play
as she carried the wallet and keys and camera.
It was a lot more fun.

to sit and laugh and watch her watch all the FlapJilly's
 and read quietly in the nook
after she was blown in the wind tunnel.

There was stacking
and there were neon tubes 
and as promised, there was lots of love. 
The sun came out as we left;
the pictures from the park will be posted soon.

Ah.......  life is good.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!