
Monday, November 2, 2015

It was the best Halloween costume ever.
Her parents take the holiday seriously,
searching for the perfect outfits in the perfect theme.
This one was pinned well before FlapJilly was created.
Is it one of your favorite movies?
No?  Confused? I am here to help. 
Ever heard someone say, "There's no crying in baseball?"
A League of Their Own gave us that,
 and Rosie O'Donnell and Madonna and Geena Davis and Tom Hanks 
and, for a certain demographic,  

That was the second most common comment on our Trick or Treat trek.
The first was "She is ADORABLE!!!"
It was hard to disagree.

The neighbors were kind enough to leave the leaves for Little Cuter's photo shoot.
As I sang The Itsy Bitsy Spider crawling up the water spout,
FlapJilly danced to the music ... a measure of her love since my rendition was hardly melodious.
Dancing consists of shoulder shrugs and plies,
followed by appreciative clapping by one and all,
led by FlapJilly herself.

When we saw her last, she was an infant.
Now, she's a little girl, pitching in the pros. 
I'll try to write something of substance tomorrow.
Right now, I'm travel weary and missing my snuggles.


  1. Loved the pick of FlapJilly on Little Cuter's photography page. So freakin' cute. I love the theme and I love that movie too. Has a great cast. And I can hear Tom Hanks yelling that line. Makes me laugh every time I hear it.

    And these posts have substance. I get a thrill seeing all of the pixs.

    Megan xxx


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