
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Random Thoughts (The Parenthetical Edition)

I can't even classify them - they are truly random.
It's warm-but-not-hot outside, the clouds are white and puffy, my roses are exploding, the daffodils are toppling under their own weight, and the pool in the backyard is exactly the right prescription for my achy muscles.

It's a tough life, but somebody has to lead it.
TBG is torn between his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers and our family's hometown Chicago Bulls. They are playing in a semi-final series now, and his boy, Big Cuter, considers the Bulls his team.

The Cavs are down 14 points in the first quarter, and TBG is surprised that the kid hasn't called to gloat.

Watching them watch the games is more fun than watching the games themselves.
I have to figure out a way to play mah jongg and not feel broken.  Sitting for 3 hours is hard on anyone.  Add in stackable, unpadded chairs and my hip hurts again, just remembering it.

Of course, last week, when I won all but 3 games, I felt nothing at all.

I only won 1 today.
I cooked with fennel this weekend.

It had a licorice scent when I cored it, and I was disappointed; it's not my favorite flavor.  But thinly sliced and sauteed in garlic and olive oil with asparagus it became a sweet and crunchy topping to the ricotta and parmesan on the ciabatta roll. I felt quite domestic, cooking such a fancy Saturday lunch.

I'm really liking my Blue Apron subscription. I'm trying new foods and old foods in new ways and I'm learning about zesting and pan searing.  We're getting our veggies in interesting ways... and I'm cooking them.

Everybody who knows me is now shaking their heads in wonder.
I struggled with the grammar on that last sentence, wanting to use everyone but not liking the sound of the her head which had to follow.

I took Brenda Starr's advice.  I wrote around it.
It rained last night.  The thunder woke me up.  The ground was glistening as I walked to get the newspaper (does anyone else do that in the morning?) and the driveway had enough water gathered in one place that it might have been called a (very small) puddle.

This is very unusual.  It doesn't rain in Tucson in May. It's after winter and before monsoon; it's supposed to be breezy and getting hotter and hotter.

We have the windows open and the air conditioning off and I'm watching thunder clouds blowing in from the north.

This is very unusual.
What was gained by holding a convention for cartoons depicting Mohammed?

It seems as provocative as open carry demonstrations.

Is this what our political discourse has become?  Purposely antagonizing others is hardly the way to build a civilized society.


  1. I agree about the cartoon convention and especially in Texas! What were those people thinking?! That's like putting a flame to gasoline. And I'm not condoning the violence and shooting that took place, but at least know where you are having your convention and if the topic is going to offend.

    Ah, to have evening thunderstorms. I love thunderstorms--as long as I'm at home and not driving or walking in them. My oldest daughter and son get scared of thunderstorms, but my middle child is not afraid at all. Actually, she's not afraid of much. Except that time when we hit heavy turbulence going to Florida. I think that's the only time I've ever seen her frightened. Otherwise, she's very carefree.

    Hope you are staying dry.

    Megan xxx

    1. You know what they were thinking - LOOK AT ME!!! Most of us got over that by kindergarten.

      Don't much like driving in the rain, especially here where monsoons flood the roads and you end up on the sidewalk trying to get Mr 9 to piano lesson on time! Yes, that middle kid is a scrappy one, isn't she!

  2. Yes AB, there are others of us who walk out and pick up the paper, my husband cannot do the online thing, he likes the feel and smell of the actual paper. The two gunman it turns out, lived about a mile from me. Very scary, you just don't know who people are or what they are capable of doing to one another.
    Loving the May rain here in Phoenix.

    1. I'm with your husband.... I'll look for more on line if I'm interested, but the paper turning on the kitchen table is a digestive aid.

      Very scary neighbors, indeed. The world could be totally terrifying if we let it.....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Amazingly early for rain. But that part of Arizona is not suffering the severe drought thanks to the Baja storms, I guess. We had rain here today too. I always like a good rain... naturally. (just had to correct that to to too lol)

    1. You are too too funny, Rain :)
      The air smells so good, the plants are so happy... I do love me a good rainstorm.

  5. Can you take a pad for the seat? I would be crippled after three hours on a hard chair. Wheel chair seat pads are good, they have been my friend in the past. Or maybe just a piece of 3 pound foam, available at your local upholstery shop.

    1. i still have the egg crate foam seat cushion I used in my wheelchair,,,, you are a GENIUS!!!!!


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!