
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day, Redux

First published on April 21, 2009
Reprinted annually.... because I like this holiday... a lot!
Come back tomorrow for a new post.

I like Earth Day. I was there at its creation, after all.

It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Initially, it was a touchy-feely alternative to the harsher realities of the anti-Vietnam War protests. You wanted to do something, but war was such an uncomfortable subject and arguing against it made your parents wonder why they were spending tuition dollars while you were telling the lawfully elected President of the United States of America that you knew more than he did. With your picture in the crowd on the front page of the NY Times. At 18 years of age, no less. But planting trees? Recycling newspaper? Not littering? And all this in service to Mother Earth. Who could be aggravated about supporting Mother Earth?

Earth Day had teach-in's. They were more fun than sit-in's, which invariably involved police and disciplinary action. They were less fun than be-in's, which owed more to Timothy Leary and The Grateful Dead than to anything political or practical. Teach-in's were earnest and had hand-outs and statistics and pictures of desolate landscapes ravaged by the cruelty of man. There was science and legislation and outrage and lots of tree give-aways.

Earth Day had no mandatory family gatherings. It required no gift giving, no card sending. You went outside and did something - cleaned a playground, weeded a median strip, planted one of those free trees. You felt good because you were doing good.

Now there is Earth Week and "We're greener than you are" tv networks Were this still 1970, there would be protests about the idea being "co-opted by 'the man'". Instead, Sheryl Crow is designing reuseable grocery bags for Whole Foods and Wal-Mart is selling them next to the discounted paper towels.

And Mother Earth is grateful.


  1. I meant to post yesterday when I read about new beginnings. Loved all of the new adventures people are doing.

    I love Earth Day. It's one of my favorites too. Although, part of me wishes we didn't need an Earth Day. We should be respecting our planet every day. I try every day to do something green--whether that's using my reusable bags, using Freecycle (which I use a lot!) or picking-up trash I see laying on the ground.

    Would love for us to not have to have an Earth Day and every day would be Earth Day.

    Megan xxx

    1. I recycle everything.... including this post! Going to the garden store today to buy something and then I'll dig in the dirt. It's the best celebration EVER!


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