
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Feeling Charitable

A friend asked for Toys for Tots donations.

My Alma Mater is celebrating her sesquicentennial.

A cousin's 5th grade class is going to Washington, D.C.

The Food Bank letter arrives as I am emptying the last of the grocery bags.

The St. Jude's return address labels lie atop the pile of mail from a week on vacation.

PWR!Gym needs to expand and Youth on Their Own needs presents for the teens.

And then there are those orphans in Sonora.

Each and every one is a worthy cause with which I have a personal connection.  I have enough food in my refrigerator and my family is healthy and I am so very, very content.

I want to write big checks to everyone.

I want to make their troubles disappear and solve their problems and put smiles on their faces. As I type my shoulders sink and my head wobbles.  There is so much to be done.

I do hands on good deeds all year long, but somehow, today, I want to do more.  That's why I'm participating in Giving Tuesday.  You can follow the link to see all the details, but I think the website's opening statement says all you need to know:
We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back.
It can be financial or more interactive.  You can brag about it on the website or with the hashtag or you can do it and smile within.  I'll be walking with the kids at Prince and writing a check or two or three and baking brownies for friends and loved ones and feeling grateful.

I may even sit down for a moment and think about how lucky I am.  The sun came up today, and I was here to see it.  That, and a good deed or two, makes this a very good day, indeed.

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