
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Snippet

Big Cuter on Cozy Rosie, his sister's couch, was in his element, opining on everything to people who loved him.

"Any time a woman cuts her hair, you should tread lightly.... something has happened.... big time."

Little Cuter and I mulled over our pasts, but he was on to something else and that was the end of it.

Or so I thought.

I heard from a friend yesterday.  Every piece of her life is in chaos.  There is not a touchstone to be found, for all is in flux.

She's strong and resilient and she already has a plan in place to make sense of the nonsense.....

.....but the first thing she told me was
I got my hair cut.
Happy Tuesday, Big Cuter <3  When you're right, you're right <3


  1. Yep, me too...finally cut my hair, after about 2 years, and am facing lots of changes in my life just over the horizon.

  2. OUr daughter graduated from college in 2000 and I started dying my hair red. That was my big change. 14 years later, it's still short and red.

  3. I have to disagree ... I retired early in May while wearing the longest hair I've had in years. I had it cut shorter in early summer since my head was starting to hurt from all that length. I love my retired life, all things are well in my life, and a couple weeks ago I decided to go much shorter, the shortest hair I've had since childhood. I just wanted a change with my hair and it wasn't a reaction to anything in my life. But I can see that for a lot of women it often can be.

  4. Wow! I'm going to think about this. I've never really thought about it, but will pay more attention to my friends, their hair cuts and what's going on in their lives.

    Megan xxx

  5. And so it goes.... my son's pronouncement, based upon his personal experience and nothing else, gets us thinking.

    For me, it was "put up or shut up" - my friends said cut your hair or stop talking about cutting your hair because we're done listening. And turning my shorn head on the pillow that first night was so liberating - I know just what you mean, Forest Girl



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