
Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Anniversary

I was a lot less relaxed last year. Every cloud on the horizon sent me scurrying to the National Weather Service's web site for reassurance. Brunch food and flower deliveries had me in a tizzy. I didn't have time to think about the grand adventure unfolding before my little girl.

But now, with a year's worth of memories behind us, I can stand in the back yard and laugh at my dying container plants and remember dashing frantically between home and Rillito Nursery last year... this week... finding replacements for those plants choosing that time to die. Beth had the yellow and blue hanging baskets she'd ordered just for us, and now, looking at the spent vinca, I'm motivated to find a healthier resident for the top of that post. I'll do it in their honor.

They've done well, this first year, my girl and her guy. They know who vacuums where when, and are delighted when the other does it, "just because."  They laugh at the same silly jokes and prod one another to do their very best.  They've got a future ahead of themselves, and they are laying the groundwork, one steady brick at a time.

A year ago today the house was filled with folding chairs and tables and new relatives. The road between the hotel and the house was torn to shreds, but no one seemed to care.  Friends were amazed at the convenience of our tiny airport, and were thankful for the water bottles and What to Do in Tucson flyers I'd created. I was glad they liked them; Elizibeth and I had a fine time creating and dispersing them. It was nice to feel useful. So much was out of my control.

The weather held, with just the right amount of cloudiness. The ceremony was loving and funny and then, by the power of his sister going on the internet, my boy officiated and my girl kissed her new husband, my Son In Reality, not Rent, forever.

Yes, forever. They are complementary to one another, the bride and the groom. Where she is cautious, he is fearless. Where he quails, she encourages. They laugh at the same silliness. They respect one another's fears. They are great problem solvers: she's a cover-snatcher so they bought two twin comforters for their new king size bed. Best of all, they like each other's parents.

First anniversaries require paper gifts, according to Hallmark, but the kids want a porch swing instead of engraved stationary and since they'll choose it and assemble it who am I to complain. I may send a special paper gift because that's just who I am and I know that they will laugh and say "Oh, Mom!" and remember other ridiculous packages they've opened from me in the past....

... and will open from me in the future.  This is just the first of many more anniversaries to come. I couldn't be happier.... for them.... and for myself.


  1. My younger daughter's first anniversary was in August. It is fun to reflect back on what sent us into tizzies on the day of the wedding, isn't it? None of it matters one whit if the bride and groom love each other.

    1. If only we could have had that "none of it matters" feeling before as well as after! Although our bride was quite calm about the whole thing. By this point, her attitude was "if it's not done by now it's not getting done!" She was a gem <3


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