
Monday, December 24, 2012

Holidaze in the Desert

It started with Stuff the Hummers for the Christina-Taylor Green Memorial Foundation.
It was a rainy day, but it didn't seem to matter much. 
By the end of the day, there were over 200 bikes for the Salvation Army to donate to needy kids.
There were all kinds of toys, too.
They covered the entire covered patio at Sullivans.
 First responders and military personnel were there to pose for photo ops
and to load the goodies 
into the decorated Hummers.
There were elves to help, too.
Then there was the Hanukkah Party at Amsters.
I love living in a place where the McMahan/Hernandez house hosts a party with menorahs.
Miss Texas helped put the wrapping paper on the table 
to protect it from random dreidling.
Making menorahs with clay
is a messy business.
especially when Ms Suzi insists that you clean up after yourself. 
The finished product was lovely. 
although the nuts as candle holders turned out to be less wonderful than anticipated.
Moms and daughters, 
and big kids 
made them, too.
They listened to the story and lit the candles and we sang blessings in English and in Hebrew.
We remembered those who were not with us, and felt them close to our hearts.

Then, it was time to eat.
Miss Texas is the best kitchen helper.
Those were the cleanest potatoes ever shredded in a Cuisinart for latkes.
The recipe is the same paper I've been using since playgroup parties in the 20th century.
There's no reason to mess with something that works.
Though his dad didn't believe it, Frankie managed to eat that entire turkey leg. 

And now it's time to go to housebound-Bobbie's birthday party.
The noodle kugel (thanks for the recipe, Seret) is puffing up nicely.
She'll be surprised to see dinner arriving in many cars.
We'll be smiling and glad to share the joy.
After all, that's what it's all about, right?

If you're wondering what I'm wearing this season, here's a peek at my attire for the last ten days. 
The pants have changed, the sweater remains the same.
I really thought I had the best holiday outfit, until I met this guy at The Gap.
I leave you with his smile. 


  1. You are standing so straight and tall, and you have a beautiful Christmas smile. Thank you for all the smiles and tears thru the year. I wish peace and joy for you and your family. Merry Christmas AB.
    Love Ellyn

  2. You look marvelous in that sweater and leggings. Very nice outfit. Thank you for another year of writing. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. LaTKeS...those were great days back in BaLTiMoRe 10 or so years ago! Oh the memories. Thanks for sharing & a VERY MeRRy HoLiDaY to you & yours...
    ~L. <3


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