
Monday, October 29, 2012

What Would Bluegrass Be....

without the banjo?  Margo and I looked and smiled and said "Country."  Then we laughed.

It was that kind of a day at the lovely outdoor AVA Ampthitheater next to the Pascua Yaqui's aptly named Casino del Sol.

Look at all that sunshine, denizens. 

Why in the world are you living along the Eastern seaboard?  Have you not checked The Weather Channel?  You won't be seeing skies like this in the forseeable future. 

Margo and I sat outside, in shorts, for six wonderful hours today.  I wish you all could have been there, too.  There were plenty of empty seats.

Sponsored by the Desert Bluegrass Association (which deserves the shout out for putting on such a wonderful show at such a reasonable price), we saw eight acts, most of them from the front row.

And then there was the festival food.

Margo was trying to be healthy; there are veggies under the salsa.
My Sonoran Hot Dog (no beans, please) made me very happy.
 The sugar coated mini donuts made me happier still.
 In my defense, I tried to order this  
 from these guys
 but there were problems with the grill and then there was the issue of the absence of egg whites.
I really wish I had been able to have the eggs; I might have gotten one of these hinged sporks.
It was an older crowd, and, from the conversations we overheard, most of them knew one another.
 Some of them gave themselves away; who else but a mother would video the entire set?
 This fellow was introduced as an artist's 97 year old grandfather.
 Age didn't keep them from dancin', though.
 which inspired these two  at the other side of the stage.
 This fan asked her to dance; they twirled and laughed and twirled some more.
My family will be glad to know that I resisted the urge to be the fifth person on the floor.
There are times when an achy hip saves me from humiliation; my skills are not such that they should be on display.  I danced at the kids' wedding; that's enough for me.
There were generic tourists
 and a fan who was missing the same game as Margo.
Of course, there were children of all ages.
including the dancing fan who is wearing pajama material, isn't he?
I represented the long lost and much lamented Mature Landscaping blog.
 It is Southern Arizona, so there was some of this
 and that
and then there was Keith
Everyone knew him.
Everyone stopped by to say "Hi"
He was greeted from the stage.
We have no idea who he is, but we liked his suspenders a lot.

We really did hear some fabulous music.
I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

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