
Monday, September 24, 2012

The Afternoon After

Sitting on Douglas with the best sister-in-law in the world and her daughter surrounding me, there's not a sound in the house.  The televisions are on, but very quietly.  TBG and I have re-defined tired; we're trying to nap.

If the weather gods were appeased by any one of you, we send our thanks.  There were just enough clouds to create a fantastic sunset and a glare-free ceremony.  The breeze was gentle and the lights hanging from the trees cast a gentle glow, blowing quietly, making soft shadows on the driveway.

There was so much love, denizens.  There were so many friends and roommates and co-workers gathered in our house, it was a veritable tableau of our lives. They came from Los Angeles and Indiana and Illinois, from New Jersey and Maryland and Brazil.  They had heard about one another, they knew each other's stories, and last night they were face to face.

It was amazing.

We spent the day primping. Jesse started on their hair before noon.  The texts were flying fast and furiously. Friends were arriving and wanting to know if the men-folk needed ties, if the ceremony was at 5:30 or 6, if she was happy.

The answer to that last one should be self-evident.  

There is more, much much more.  It was the most wonderful event I have ever attended. If I could keep my eyes open, if my fingers were able to move around the keyboard, I'd be telling you all about it.

For now, know that it was perfect. I'll tell you more tomorrow.  Right now, I have to go to sleep.


  1. I almost felt as if I were there. I watched the sky all day and prayed to all gods everywhere and of every kind to please not let a storm descend upon your day. As the hour approached, I went outside and looked in your direction. I swear I saw joy and happiness rise into the sky above Tucson! Thanks for sharing the love. :)

  2. Ah, Sharon, just like your art, it was magical!! I'm not surprised that you could see the joy and happiness; it was uncontainable!

  3. Sounds wonderful and I hope you can share more photos. Weddings are wonderful events and that one with its setting should have been fantastic.

  4. Such perfect conditions for one of the happiest events in our lives.

    Because this post tells of a perfect moment, I'd like to invite you to link up to BlogHer's new Perfect Moment Monday event:

    Congrats to the two families united!

  5. I remember looking at my clock at 9 PM and thinking of you. Looking forward to more pixs.

    Megan xxx

  6. Sa-WeeeT!!! Can't wait for MoRe!!!! <3

  7. Photos shall abound.... once someone sends me some. For the first time in forever, I was at an event and not concerned about recording it... but others were madly snapping away.

  8. Here via Perfect Moment Monday (hosted by BlogHer and Lavender Luz)... Thank you for sharing your perfect moment! It sounds like it was an incredible (and perfect) day! So happy for you and your family!

  9. Sounds absolutely lovely! I love having all of "my people" finally get to meet in person. Also nothing like the tired and fatigue of being spent having fun!


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