
Monday, September 17, 2012

A Week from Now....

This time next Sunday, it will all be over.  Between now and then there's nothing but love.

Little Cuter is the wisest bride I've ever know.  "If it's not done yet, it's not getting done," is her motto and she's sticking to it.  If there's something we've forgotten, or overlooked, or ignored, well, that's just too bad.  We are ready to be participants.

Of course, hosting the event does mean that I'm on-call until this time next Sunday.  But the calls will be from people who love the kids, and the questions will be related to sharing that love.  Being in charge has never felt so good.

Perhaps that's because I'm really not in charge.  I'm a helper in my own home, putting on a party for family and friends.  Little Cuter is planning her wedding, assigning tasks and approving expenditures.  I make suggestions; she makes decisions.

I did my first "mother in law thing" yesterday.  Will there be golfing?  Inquiring club owners want to know.  My experience with golf involves windmills and clown faces and the word mini; SIR is the man with the plan.  So, I forwarded the email from one to the other, and took myself out of the loop entirely. I didn't ask him first; SIR received the notification cold.  To his credit, he's said nothing about it....... perhaps he's already come to think of me as family.... and this is such a mother-ish thing to do. 

I love it.

I can't stop telling people why I'm buying foam board and ribbon.  My daughter's getting married on Saturday and my grin is threatening to explode off my face.  Everyone asks the same question first: do we like the groom?  YES.... and his family, too.  I'm saddened by the number of times the questioner shakes her head and rues the fact that she can't say the same thing.

We are lucky and we know it.

Elizibeth and I spent the weekend packing welcome bags for the out of town guests.  There was much printing and rolling and ribboning and tying and labeling and packing and delivering.  Alone, it would have been a chore.  Together, we were making pretties for Little Cuter's wedding.... though most of her conversation revolved around SIR.  She's fourteen; boys are important in her life.  I was having no problem extolling his virtues; the man owns cordless power tools and, with his father, installed my girl's washer and dryer even though the power was out. 

It's Daddooooo incarnate and so not TBG; I admit to a soupcon of jealousy.

Because getting married wasn't enough of a change in their lives, the kids bought a house last week. They have new stuff in a new house and a new relationship and the granddog is ecstatic.  He has a backyard and a long rope until they build the fence and there are all manner of smells and sights to inspect.  My girl loves her commute and her guy there, first in line to pick her up, just like her mommy was first in line at middle school.

She may be on her way to being Sadie-Sadie-Married-Lady but she's still my baby at heart. The fact that SIR knows that, respects that, adores that, and acts on that is how I can respond to that question with the biggest smile my face can handle.

There are lots of wonderful people in this world.  My family's getting to connect itself to a lot of them.  More on the rest of the bunch as the week progresses.  There's no sense in my trying to take my brain anyplace else than Weddingville.


  1. It's so important for the in-laws to like the person's spouse to be. After all, you will be spending a lot of time together. Do you find it weird that people would ask you if you like the groom? I've never seen heard of anyone asking that. Maybe it's because I'm not the mother of a bride... but it just seems odd. It's not like you are going to say to a stranger, "we absolutely hate him".

    I do know what you mean about like the other person's spouse to be 'cause my MIL has always treated me like one of her own daughters. That's been very special to me. I'm closer to her than I am to my own mother. She loves me just the way I am and she often tells me how lucky I am to have her baby as my husband. Like I don't know that. ;)

    Sounds like everything is coming together. Take time to breath and relax. And most importantly have fun! :)

    Megan xxx

  2. Oh yay you remembered the foam board!!

    I love you so much! We are the luckiest people in the entire world.

  3. Not only did I get the foam board, but it was 2-for-1 so we have an extra in case there's a screw up :)

    I agree, Megan - TBG's mom and I had a real love affair and I miss it still.

  4. I just went through all that (8-25-12) and I know what you mean. After the wedding, you will replay it in your imagination for a while - so you can't escape it (nor will you want to). Congratulations to the happy couple and best wishes for a great weekend with great weather.


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